Cottonwood Palo Verde at Sun Lakes

Board of Directors meeting minutes (unapproved) April 29

Directors present: Rich Featherstone, Richard Hawkes, Bud Jenssen, Anne Montgomery, Woody Neiman, Dick Norris and Mel Rasmussen.

Also present: General Manager Steve Nolan

President Richard Hawkes called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.

Secretary Mel Rasmussen introduced and gave a short biography of Army veteran Mike Giarlo. Mr. Giarlo then led the Pledge of Allegiance. He was thanked for his service to our country and for his service on the CWPV Patrol.

Bud Jenssen made a motion, seconded by Woody Neiman, to approve the March 25, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes. The motion carried unanimously.

Woody Neiman made a motion, seconded by Bud Jenssen, to approve the March 25, 2015 Annual Board Meeting Minutes. The motion carried unanimously.


Richard Hawkes explained how the Board intends to operate and their commitment to act with civility and respect. He then asked that others do the same. He explained the procedure that will be followed when there is a motion on the floor. A motion from the Board will be called, a second will be requested. It will then be asked if there are any questions/comments from the Board, then it will be opened for questions/comments from homeowners. Questions/comments from homeowners will be limited to two minutes each. Questions will be directed to the Board member/Management source who can best answer. If further research on a topic is necessary, the Board member/management source will follow up with the homeowner. Mr. Hawkes then explained the purpose of each section of the Board Agenda.


Treasurer Woody Neiman presented the March 31, 2015 financial summary. It was stated that the same format will be kept for the Treasurer’s Report. A detailed report will be available for viewing in Homeowner Services.

A question from the audience was answered regarding the fact that the financials reflect a calendar year.

Mel Rasmussen made a motion, seconded by Anne Montgomery, to approve the March 31, 2015 pre-audited financial report. The motion carried unanimously.


Architectural Compliance Committee: The report was given of its meetings held April 2 and 16; 23 permit applications were approved, none declined. The next meeting is May 7 in the Phoenix Room.

The committee has one recommendation for the Board, to approve the revision to the Architectural Guidelines indicated on Page 14, No. 15 Gates; Item A, Side Gates. The committee has no recommendations for management.

Audit and Finance Committee: The report was given of its meeting held April 8. The next meeting is May 13 at 2:00 p.m. in the Saguaro Room.

The committee has one recommendation for the Board to approve the appointment of Kelz Kelzenberg to the Audit and Finance Committee. The committee has no recommendations for management.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Communications Committee: Mr. Giarlo was thanked for his military service.

The report was given of the meeting held April 7. The ambassadors had nine referrals, 10 tours and 27 tours year to date. The next meeting is May 4 at 8:30 a.m. in the Ceramics Room.

The committee has two recommendations for the Board to approve: changes to BP 10-03-Communications Committee Charter; the appointments of Phyllis Chase and Janice Byers to the Communications Committee.

The committee has no recommendations for management. Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Election Committee: Mr. Giarlo was thanked for his military service.

The report was given of the meeting held April 1. The main topic was working on procedures for the vote counting process after the last Board Election. The next meeting is May 6 1:30 p.m. in the Ceramics Room.

The committee has no recommendations for the Board or for management. Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Facilities and Grounds Committee: Mr. Giarlo was thanked for his service.

The report was given of the meeting held April 6. Topics of discussion: CW 5 lakes project presently on hold; stairs and railings for CW practice bunker; Sisk Park drainage area; kids pool; pebble Tec finishing on the pools; pool gates replacement; poor lighting in the community. This committee will not meet in June, July or August. The next meeting will be May 1 at 9:30 a.m. in the Paint Room.

The committee had one recommendation for management, a solution regarding the badly lighted areas in CWPV, which has been forwarded to Steve Nolan.

The committee had one recommendation for the Board, regarding concrete stairs and railings for CW practice area sand bunker. The item was removed from the agenda at the agenda planning meeting on April 21. For the record, Facilities and Grounds or the Board never removed this item due to cost.

At this time, Richard Hawkes stated that this recommendation is still on the Board’s agenda but not on this April Board meeting agenda.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Food and Beverage Committee: The report was given of the meeting held April 2. Topics discussed: the excellent first quarter Food and Beverage performance; results of the individual events and discussion future events; better popcorn; TV addition at CW; staff levels during slow season. The next meeting is May 7 at 9:00 a.m. in the Saguaro Room. This committee will not meet in June, July or August. The committee will meet September 3.

The committee has no recommendations for the Board. They have one recommendation for management regarding the purchase of a Direct TV NFL TV package.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Golf Committee: Mr. Giarlo was thanked for his military service.

The report was given of the meeting held April 2. The committee reviewed the golf schedule. Topics discussed; golf schedule review in May; the members voted that the committee would not meet in June, July or August. The next meeting is May 7 2:00 p.m. in the Ceramics Room.

The committee has no recommendations for the Board or for management.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Recreation Committee: The report was given of the meeting held April 2 by the Recreation Board Liaison Mel Rasmussen. Due to the attendance of only four members and lack of a quorum, there was no chair or formal meeting although issues were discussed. The committee will not meet in May but will meet in June when they have a quorum. The committee will not meet in July or August. The next meeting is June 1 at 9:00 a.m. in the Saguaro Room.

At this time, Richard Hawkes got clarification from Recreation Liaison Mel Rasmussen that this committee would be keeping the committee at nine members.

The committee had one recommendation, for the Board to approve the appointment of Sue Schwartz to Recreation Committee. There were no recommendations for management.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Safety, Security and Access Committee: The report was given of the meeting held April 1. Topics discussed: talked with insurance broker regarding liability issues; safety information manual from the Safety Information Task Force for publishing on the HOA website; a short version to be provided to be placed in the new homeowner information binder by management. The next meeting is May 6 at 10:00 a.m. in the Saguaro Room. This committee will not meet in June, July or August.

The committee had no recommendations for the Board or for management.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Health and Wellness Center Task Force Board Director Rich Featherstone reported on the following: there were no meetings and none scheduled at this time; HWC survey results are on the website; recruiting for task force members; a HWCTF workshop will be held on May 20 at 2:00 p.m. in the Saguaro Room; communications of this project to our homeowners is being worked on with the help of the Communication Committee.

Discussion followed regarding adding the workshop information to The Flyer, recruitment of volunteers for the task force and survey posted on the website.


Steve Nolan reported on the following project(s): PV chipping and practice area will start first week in June.


Steve Nolan made a special announcement of the birth of three baby swans to the swan parents on Lake No. 5 off of Chestnut. He then gave his management report. Special thanks to Marshall Reichert, Leigh Torres Karsten Hartig and staff on their successful first quarter performance.


Bud Jenssen thanked Mike Giarlo for his military service and for his service on our HOA Patrol; thanked Marshall, Leigh and Chef Karsten for their Food and Beverage success; thanked and congratulated Mike Reinhart on the birth of the new swans.

Mel Rasmussen also thanked Mike Giarlo for his service and for greeting them when they come in to the facility; thanked Marshall, Leigh and Chef Karsten for their first quarter success.

Dick Norris also thanked Mike Giarlo for his service and on our Patrol staff; explained the reconsideration of the sound system due to revisions to the plan, with bids hopefully on the May Board agenda.

Woody Neiman thanked everyone for attending; thanked Food and Beverage management and staff for their first quarter performance – more than $104,000 better than last year. He thanked Mike Giarlo.

Anne Montgomery thanked the committees for all they do and everyone who attended today’s meeting.

Rich Featherstone thanked the homeowners who contributed to the F&B success this quarter.


Mel Rasmussen made a motion, seconded by Woody Neiman, to approve removal and replacement of pebble Tec for the Cottonwood Kid Pool for the low bid from All Valley Pool Repair, for $10,470 plus a 10 percent contingency, for a total cost of $11,517.00.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner comments; no comments. The motion carried unanimously.

Dick Norris made a motion, seconded by Bud Jenssen, to approve replacement of pebble Tec for the Palo Verde spa for the low bid from Pool Professionals, for $7,053.50, plus a 10 percent contingency, for a total cost of $7,758.85.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner comments; one homeowner comment clarifying that the spa is the hot tub. The motion carried unanimously.

Bud Jenssen made a motion, seconded by Anne Montgomery, to approve seal coating parking lots and re-stripe the following lots: Cottonwood east lot; Cottonwood west lot; Cottonwood Maintenance Yard lots; Administration Building lot; Michigan Pool lot; Palo Verde Restaurant lot; Palo Verde golf cart parking lot and a small area of Sisk Park. The low bid was approved from Pinnacle Paving for $32,950 plus a 10 percent contingency, for a total cost of $36,245.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner comments; one homeowner comment clarifying that the bids do include striping. The motion carried unanimously.

Dick Norris made a motion, seconded by Woody Neiman, to approve replacement of the Cottonwood and Palo Verde pool gates for the low bid from DCS Pool Barriers for $7,616.83 plus a 10 percent contingency for a total cost of $8,378.51.

The floor was opened to Board homeowner comments; three homeowner questions: clarification of the warranty difference; clarification that all bidders are given the same specs to bid on; clarification of the gate lock requirements. Motion carried unanimously.

Dick Norris made a motion, seconded by Bud Jenssen, to approve the construction bid for the PV Maintenance lunchroom and office. (Funding: 85 percent Cap. Reserv./15 percent Cap. Improv.) for the low bid from Burris Horrell for $180,531.59, plus a 10 percent contingency, for a total cost of $198,584.74.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner comments; no comments. The motion carried unanimously.

Dick Norris made a motion, seconded by Woody Neiman, to approve the sewer line emergency repair from Gold Canyon Pipe and JSR Construction. (Gold Canyon for $5,111.64 and JSR Construction for $2,029.85), for a total cost of $7,141.49.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner comments; no comments. The motion carried unanimously.




Mel Rasmussen made a motion, seconded by Woody Neiman, to approve the architect proposal (sole source bid) for building permit plans and construction documents for the Saguaro Storage Room, from Archi-CAD Architects for $1,600, plus a 10 percent contingency, for a total cost of $1,760.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner comments; no comments. The motion carried unanimously.

Bud Jenssen made a motion, seconded by Anne Montgomery, to approve the architect proposal (sole source bid) for building permit plans and construction documents for the PV Patio Shade Structure, from Archi-CAD Architects for $6,200, plus a 10 percent contingency, for a total cost of $6,820.

At this time, Richard Hawkes explained the reason for sole source bid; Archi-CAD is on retainer with the HOA and has worked on several projects.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner comments; no comments. The motion carried unanimously.






Woody Neiman made a motion, seconded by Bud Jenssen, to approve the 2014-2015 Board Meeting Schedule.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner comments; no comments. The motion carried unanimously.

Dick Norris made a motion, seconded by Anne Montgomery, to approve the revision to the Architectural Guidelines indicated on Page 14, No. 15 GATES; Item A, SIDE GATES.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner comments; no comments. The motion carried unanimously.

Dick Norris made a motion, seconded by Anne Montgomery, to approve the committee member appointments to the following committees: Audit and Finance – Kelz Kelzenberg; Communications – Phyllis Chase and Janice Byers and Recreation – Sue Schwartz.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner comments; no comments. The motion carried unanimously.


Changes to the following documents were explained and will be in First Readings for the month of May.

For questions regarding these policies, contact the individual(s) named after the policy.

Dick Norris made a motion, seconded by Anne Montgomery, to approve placing the following into First Readings.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner comments; no comments. The motion carried unanimously.

BP 10-03 Communications Committee Charter

(Bud Jenssen-Board/Paul Rogers – Communications Committee Chair)

BP 7-50 Tennis Court Regulations (Woody Neiman/Dick Norris/Mel Rasmussen – Board)

BP 7-60 Pickleball Court Regulations (Woody Neiman/Dick Norris/Mel Rasmussen – Board)

BP 7-70 Racquetball Court Regulations (Woody Neiman/Dick Norris/Mel Rasmussen – Board)


Regarding support for sending the Board agenda via e-mail.

The meeting adjourned at 4:28 p.m.

Message from the president

Richard Hawkes

The Board of Directors held two meetings during the month of April. The first meeting was April 2. This meeting’s purpose was to nominate and appoint two new Directors to fill the two vacancies on the Board. Rich Featherstone and Anne Montgomery were nominated and elected unanimously. Mr. Featherstone had previously served two three-year terms as a Board member. During his previous two terms he served as Treasurer and as President of the Board. Anne Montgomery had most recently served on the Communications Committee. She was a strong advocate for the renovation of the Cottonwood Palo Verde Library. She played a significant role in the development of the plans and worked tirelessly to bring the library project to completion. Anne acted as Library Coordinator and was responsible for arranging volunteer help to operate the Library. Both Mr. Featherstone and Mrs. Montgomery will serve one-year terms that will end in March 2016. They will then be eligible to run for full terms in 2016.

The second Directors’ meeting in April was the regular monthly Board meeting held on April 29. Years of work came to a conclusion when the Board voted to accept the bid from Burris Horrell for the remodeling of the Palo Verde Maintenance Facility. This long overdue project will finally offer our maintenance staff at Palo Verde a modern break room and two new restrooms. In addition, a small office will be added to the front of the existing building, which will give managers a workspace and provide a view of the facility entrance.

We are also pleased to share two projects were given the green light to proceed with the development of architectural plans. The first project is the construction of a small storage facility on the southwest side of the Saguaro Room. The room will provide storage space for furniture and equipment that is typically used in the Saguaro Room. This will provide efficiency for our employees who now must bring all needed furniture from the San Tan Ballroom storage area, through the entire building, to the Saguaro Room. The second project that moved to the architectural planning phase is the construction of a permanent shade structure for the Palo Verde clubhouse patio. This shade structure will allow more outside activities for large parties and provide options for outside dining.

This should be another active summer for projects in our community. The approved short game golf practice facility is set for construction the first week of June. This golf project, combined with the other soon to come projects for shade at Palo Verde and more storage at Cottonwood, will make this a very busy summer for our staff. Homeowners are encouraged to go to Homeowner Services to get more information about all the projects that are planned, underway or completed. A community projects binder is available to view plans and before pictures of everything being planned and many of the recently completed projects around Cottonwood Palo Verde.

Upcoming events

All tickets for Cottonwood Palo Verde shows and events can be purchased at our Homeowner Services location.

Calle Rose Two-day Fashion Boutique

Here ya go ladies! Two days of fashion shopping (clothes, jewelry, purses and accessories) right here in Cottonwood’s Saguaro Room on Friday, June 19 from 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. and Saturday, June 20 from 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Mark your calendar, call all your friends and plan to shop till you drop.

DJ Jamal – Saturday Night Dances

Our summer DJ Dances are going to start up again in May. Tickets are still only $5. You can come early (5:00 p.m.) and have your dinner served to you in the San Tan Ballroom with a no-host bar. Dancing and snacks will be from 6:30–9:30 p.m.

Dates are June 6, July 11, August 1 and September 12

Impersonators 2016 Show – Oh Canada

On Wednesday, March 15, 2016 the Impersonators will take the stage in the San Tan Ballroom. The performers will be doing a tribute to Celine Dion, Michael Buble, Shania Twain and Paul Anka called Oh Canada. The 7:00 p.m. show sold out in two weeks, so we’ve opened a 3:00 p.m. show. Tickets are still only $20 and are going fast.

The Magic of Barry Manilow and Bette Midler

Barry is best known for his catalogue of hits that include Mandy, Ready to Take a Chance Again, Could It Be Magic, Copacabana, I Write the Songs, Can’t Smile without You and more. The show date is Tuesday, June 23 in the San Tan Ballroom. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. for a 7:00 p.m. show. Tickets are $20.

A Tribute to the Beach Boys Catch a Wave

What more can we say – it’s the Beach Boys! So just sit back and listen to your favorite songs. The show date is Wednesday, July 29 in the San Tan Ballroom. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. for a 7:00 p.m. show. Tickets are $20.

Teen Idols

There is nothing that can stir old memories like revisiting the music of your teen years. How about, Bobby Vee, Frankie Avalon, Paul Anka, Pat Boone, Ricky Nelson, Dion and Fabian? The show date is Wednesday, September 2 in the San Tan Ballroom. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. for a 7:00 p.m. show. Tickets are $20.

Cory McCloskey’s Love Boat Variety Show

Cory McCloskey, from FOX 10 News and TAD Management have teamed up to bring the ship to you! Cory presents an old school variety show featuring some of the best acts you can see on the best cruise ships in the world including a sensational, ship-styled live band. The show date is Wednesday, September 30 in the San Tan Ballroom. Doors opens at 6:00 p.m. for a 7:00 p.m. show. Tickets are $20.

Smartphone 101 Class

Instructor Robert Reed will be teaching a class on Smartphones in Cottonwood’s (A-2) Ladies Card Room. In this class you’ll be able to ask questions and get answers. Classes will be every Monday from 10:00–11:00 a.m. Classes will run all summer. The fee will be $25 per student, per class. Contact: [email protected] or call 480-442-0230.

Ruby Ride

Come Wednesday, June 17 from 10:30–11:30 a.m. to Cottonwood’s Saguaro Room, and say hello to Ruby Ride, a new unlimited traveling passport for Sun Lakers to the Chandler communities. For a monthly fee they will take you all about town from 8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m. seven days a week. Light refreshments will be served. If you plan on coming, please call 480-384-4065 for confirmation.

Free Skin Cancer Screening

Wednesday, June 3

Dr. Laura Arce of Radiant Complexions Dermatology Clinic will be conducting a free skin cancer screening in Cottonwood’s Phoenix Room (A-9) from 8:00 a.m.-noon. All Sun Lakers are invited. No appointment needed. The doctor will see you on a first come basis.

Free Exercise Equipment Classes

Personal trainer Deryk Garmanian and his assistant/homeowner Brenda Waara will be instructing, at no cost, a weight room and equipment orientation class in the Ladies Fitness Center for both men and women (at this time) on the following Wednesdays: June 17, July 15 and August 19. Please sign up at Homeowner Services. If there are less than three students, Deryk will cancel the class and contact those who have signed up.

Upcoming Dinner Dances

Saturday, July 4 Independence Day

Upcoming Traveling Tours through Free Spirit

To book any of these trips, call Free Spirit Vacations at 480-926-5547 or e-mail [email protected]. Please remind them that you are a Cottonwood Palo Verde homeowner. Event information flyers can be found at Cottonwood’s Homeowner Services.

May 16 – Verde Canyon Railroad

June 11-12 – Southern Arizona Old West and Wine

June 14–18 – Sierra Nevada Journey

July 2–6 – San Francisco and Wine Country

July 9 – An Evening with the Stars in Flagstaff

July 14–17 – Pageant of the Masters and Queen Mary

August 4–7 – Durango and Silverton

August 11–17 – Canadian Maritimes – Circle Bay of Fundy

August 14–16 – Del Mar horse Racing