Reiki – A call to service

Two people sharing Reiki at the Reiki Circle

Two people sharing Reiki at the Reiki Circle

Lois Valleau

People gather to heal themselves and others. Some come to practice the Reiki they have learned in class and others are being introduced to this energy. The circle has been in existence since 1995 inviting all who are drawn to experience this energy. We meet every Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m. in Room A-2, Cottonwood Courtyard. This is your invitation to join us.

Energy is in everything and Reiki is energy; a gentle yet powerful energy that relaxes and reduces stress in the body. It is the same energy that keeps our hearts beating, our brains thinking, and our lungs breathing. You might remember how soothing it was as a child to have mom hug you and love your hurt away. There is something similar in the soothing process with Reiki. Reiki also alleviates pain, accelerates healing, restores the body to balance, supports good health and maintains a sense of peace and well-being.

In Reiki I class you will learn by observing and through practice, practice, practice – how to give hands-on Reiki healing to yourself and loved ones. A student notebook is provided for your reference.

Second level Reiki training teaches you how to access and utilize the Life Force energy of Holy Creator to send to a person, or situation, to support their Highest Good. Reiki II gives instruction in the use of specific symbols to transmit healing energy at a distance.

Rina (Catharina) Cupples has been using Reiki healing for over 30 years. “It has helped me support myself and others before, during and after surgery. Reiki has helped in relieving pain and accelerating my body’s natural healing process. I have been teaching Reiki for over 20 years. It has been a catalyst for my own healing, and over the years, it’s been an amazing privilege for me to witness healing in others. Universal Life Force, Divine Source Energy, is in us and around us all the time. We can learn to consciously apply that Light of Holy Creator for our own wellbeing and to help support wellbeing for others. In doing so, peace and grace is enhanced inside ourselves, and extended throughout the world.”

Lois Valleau has been teaching Reiki for over 20 years in Sun Lakes. “As part of my daily practice, I give myself Reiki to balance and center me. I believe that the more people experience and use this energy, the more their lives will shift to a peaceful nature and thus the world will become a more peaceful place in which to live.” Reiki is easy to learn and it is easy to share. Is this your calling?

Classes being offered are Reiki I on March 27-28 and May 15-16; Reiki II on March 5-6 and April 16-17. Each class is 12 hours over two days and includes a Reiki manual. For more information contact Catherina at 480-883-7747, Lois at 480-883-6699 or Sarah 602-565-1977.