SLWA Golf-o-Rama


Ellie Clark

For its ninth year, the Sun Lakes Women’s Association is sponsoring “Golf-O-Rama.” This co-ed event will be held on March 3, 2019, at Palo Verde, 8:00 a.m. sign in and 9:00 shotgun start. The $50.00 entry fee includes: coffee and donuts; lunch on Palo Verde Patio; prizes and gift bags; raffles sponsored by Sun Lakes Fire Dept; Hole-in-One prize from Copa Golf Carts, a Bahia Golf Cart Cooling System. Registration deadline is February 24 at any Sun Lakes Pro Shop. Lunch and Award Ceremony only $12.00; RSVP and prepay.

Chairwomen: Gloria: 704-258-8344 or Sue: 815-861-1637

Other business found us swearing in some new board members in light of several resignations. Judy Caniglia agreed to act as interim president; Ellie Clark, vice president; Connie Hogan, treasurer; Sandi Balmear, recording secretary; and Dorothy Meek, corresponding secretary.

Once again, our thanks to all of you who so generously donate items, thus enabling us to turn them into dollars which we can then pass on to organizations in our community who are in need.