Why have an indoor walking track?


Carmela Hopkins

Currently, we have no indoor walking track in Sun Lakes. Here’s why I think we would benefit from an indoor walking track:

Health and Safety:

1. Its level, nonslip walking surface helps prevent trips/stumbles.

2. Its cushioned surface is easy on joints and easy on falls.

3. It is out of the sun’s UVA and UVB rays.

4. It is out of traffic.

5. It is in a safe, controlled-access area.

6. Its temperature is controlled, at whatever time of year.

7. Its measured laps help track distance without tracking devices.

8. It is appropriate for canes, walkers and hiking sticks.

9. It is well-lighted at all times of day.

10. It is free of blowing dust and allergens.

11. It is free of wild turkeys, coyotes and javelinas reported in Sun Lakes.

Community Building:

12. It is a place to exercise with friends, encouraging a sense of community.

13. It can accommodate many users at once.

14. It is appropriate for all ages.

15. Its proximity encourages involvement in other facilities in our community.


16. It is an additional attraction to potential homebuyers.

17. It is beautified by surrounding it with windows showing off our community.