Sandy Pallett
Sun Lakes Community Theatre held auditions for their next mystery dinner show Dealt a Deadly Hand: Murder at the Sun Lakes Resort Casino.
Performances will be Oct. 9 through 13 in the Oakwood ballroom. Open bar starts at 5 p.m., doors to the show open at 5:30 p.m., and the show starts at 6 p.m.
Selected cast members: Jim Nielsen, Mary Vandergrif, Lew Crawford, Jim Janowski, Ginger Henry, Phyllis Novy, Paco Venegas, Kathy Miller, Kate Turner
Supporting cast: Roxanne Banta, Pat Bartolo, Irma Bray, Sandy Hatfield, Mary Maund, Diana Nelinson, Mario Carranzo
Masters of ceremonies: Greg Posniack, Joyce Recupido
The tickets for dinner and show are $45 per person (including meal) and will also be sold online starting on Sept. 22, at 10 a.m. at or in-person at Cottonwood Room A-6 from 10 a.m. to noon on Sept. 22, 29, and Oct. 6 and in the Oakwood lobby from 10 a.m. to noon on Sept. 23, 30, and Oct. 7.
For additional information, call 480-382-6290.
The entire evening will be total entertainment for everyone, but remember, tickets go fast! You won’t want to miss seeing one of your neighbors performing, seeing a funny show, solving a murder, and having a good meal!
And every night, we will say a good time was had by all … of course, that includes the snake.