Just a small sampling of Jessica’s creativity

Pictured is Guild member Barbara Grimes with Jessica Dickenson. Jessica is wearing a handmade scrappy skirt.
Debi Loofburrow
The Agavé Quilters Guild met on Wednesday, Nov. 3, at 1 p.m. in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club. After a brief business update, members shared their recent projects, and we collected holiday-themed placemats for our service project, in collaboration with Neighbors Who Care.
Our guest speaker for November’s meeting was Jessica Dickinson. She presented “Journey Through Scrap Mountain.” Jessica, the Quilt Mama, as she is known on Facebook, is located in Tempe. When asked what is the smallest size scrap piece she saves, Jessica replied, “I never waste anything.” Her amazing presentation was certainly evidence of that—we got some great ideas on how to use all of our scraps!
Dec. 1 is the Agavé members’ holiday luncheon. Our next Agavé Guild meeting will be on Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022, at 1 p.m. at Sun Lakes Phase 1 in the Navajo Room. Join us as Bonnie Bobman of Scottsdale will be here to tell us about “Improvisational Piecing.” On Feb. 2, 2022, Swan Amity Sheridan from Tucson will share her lecture titled, “Quilt the World.”
Our guild is open to new members of all skill levels. Dues for the calendar year are $30 with a one-time $13.25 purchase of a name badge. When members attend meetings wearing their name badges, they are entered into our door prize raffles.
General meetings are held September through May, on the first Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club. Each meeting features a guest speaker, a brief business update from the board members, and a “show and tell” session allowing members to share their projects with the group. Additionally, upcoming classes are announced and available for sign-up at the general meeting. Classes are open to Agavé members only. Join the guild now to take advantage of the upcoming classes!
For further information, please contact co-presidents Faith Bragg at 310-415-0131 or Shari Davison at 303-917-3604, or membership chair Dennie Sullivan, at 480-540-7509. We look forward to welcoming you to our Agavé Quilt Guild, the original Sun Lakes Quilt Guild since 1992!