Not allowing the ladies all the limelight at the February Cotillion, these gentlemen in red stole the show!
What do you get when you combine a classic old movie with a well known business known for its classic jewels? The Cotillion Dance Club’s April event, Dinner and Dancing at Tiffany’s! The Ballroom was appropriately decorated in Tiffany blue and white with candles, jewels and gift boxes. The dance, held on March 14, was attended by 140 members and guests.
Route 66 provided the evening’s entertainment following dinner. The dining experience started with Waldorf salad followed by guests being served their choice of stuffed pork tenderloin, grilled chicken breast with green chili cream cheese sauce or stuffed Portobello mushrooms. Keeping with the Tiffany movie theme, dessert was New York style cheesecake.
The next and final dance of the season will be held April 11 with Rich Howard providing the entertainment. The April dance, themed the Kentucky Derby Ball, is a semi-formal affair.
Members were saddened here of the passing of Cotillion member Chuck Jerdee. He and Nancy have been attending and supportive of the Cotillion for many years. Our thoughts are with Nancy and their family.
Membership is currently open for the 2015-2016 season beginning in October. Members and their guests are always welcome. Dances are held on the second Saturday of each month from October to April with the exception of December. April and October are the only two dances that are not black tie events.
For more information on the club or membership please contact Larry and Pat Wolfe at 480-802-2748 or e-mail [email protected].