Apple Club News

Gary Bross

With COVID-19 restrictions still in place, we look forward to the day our educational classes and topical roundtable discussions can resume. Working closely with our members in a hands-on environment has always been our strong suit. We are anxious to reestablish that relationship, and will do so as soon as health conditions permit.

In the meantime, we continue to focus our education through the “Forum” and “Blog” features of our website. Visit us at to view articles and instructional videos. We will update these features every couple of weeks, adding newsworthy articles as they become available.

Also, we continue to offer our question and answer problem-solving service one-on-one. Just submit your issue or question by email to Replies will be forthcoming to you, usually within a few days.

Our mission is to provide a forum that is educational, supportive, and fun—where we can all learn to get the most from our Apple devices, regardless of our knowledge. We are a no-fee club, and our objective is to remain so.