Rev. Jerry McGhee, Pastor Sun Lakes Community Church We have a New Year and soon a new President and new opportunities to experience. God is so good to those of us who live in Sun Lakes. After years of work and raising our families, we have been given the chance to live in this grand…
Category: January 2017
Religion, January 2017
Sun Lakes Community Church to offer Bible Studies
Doug Ross, Public Relations for Sun Lakes Community Church Sun Lakes Community Church offers Bible Studies in several different offerings every week throughout the winter months. Everyone is welcome! Pastor Jerry McGhee leads a study in the Gospel of John. This study will take you through the life of Jesus and then to his death…
Religion, January 2017
You are here for a purpose
Dr. Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church Sun Lakes A teacher, assigned to work with a hospitalized school child on nouns and adverbs, arrived one day and was taken to the burn unit. After she had scrubbed and put on sterile clothing, she entered the boy’s room and found him in pain. Though this…
Religion, January 2017
Changing our behavior

Ron Burcham, Risen Savior Lutheran Church Bundle up, everyone – we are in the dead of winter. Okay, I had to stop typing for a minute because I was laughing so hard my fingers couldn’t work the keys. Seriously, January is our coldest month according to the National Climatic Data Center. It is true that…
Religion, January 2017
Rabbi Irwin Wiener, D.D. In 1945, we celebrated the final end of World War ll. After much bloodshed and sacrifices, we, together with our allies, were finally victorious in a war that still reverberates to this day. The relief that followed also served as a reminder that even in victory there is sadness. The needless…
Religion, January 2017
Following a vision in the New Year
Jean Newell, Associate Pastor, Sun Lakes United Methodist Church “We three kings of Orient are, bearing gifts we traverse afar, field and fountain, moor and mountain, following yonder star.” Why did those ancient travelers follow the star in the sky? Scripture tells us they were wise men from the East. One wonders, though, if they…
Religion, January 2017
Shalom Hadassah
Join us for the first meeting of the New Year on January 17, 2017 at Stone & Vine Restaurant, Alma School and Queen Creek. Enjoy a lovely self-ordered lunch at 11:30 a.m. followed by a fabulous program. We welcome Susan Sackett who with Cheryl Blythe, co-authored their book, Say Goodnight, Gracie! The Story of Burns…
Religion, January 2017
St Steven’s Ladies Guild sponsoring a Day of Recollection and Retreat

Mary Vitolo St. Steven’s Ladies Guild is offering an invitation to all women in the parish and community to attend a Retreat/Recollection with Father Steven J. Peterson who will be speaking on “The Power of Prayer.” This retreat will be held at St. Steven’s Church in Sun Lakes, Arizona on January 21 from 9:00-11:30 a.m.…
Religion, January 2017
Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood

Esther Spear The topic for the January 19 meeting of the Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood is “Wine and Your Heart: Taking Alcohol to Heart.” It will take place at the Chapel Center at 1:00 p.m. Wine has been thought to provide heart health benefits. The speaker is Dr. Eugene Lariviere. The theme of the…
Sports, January 2017
Sun Lakes Lady Niners news
Happy New Year from the Sun Lakes Lady Niners! We begin the New Year with golfing at noon on January 3. The January general meeting will be held on the 10th at Mulligans following golfing which will be at 10:00 a.m. Please observe the changes! On January 31 we will have our annual Partner Scramble…