April 2024

Niners February Golf Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity Sadly, a longtime member, Ron Betti, passed away in February. Ron was a Niner from 2009 to 2022. Ron was a good guy and served as our rules chairman from 2013 to 2018. Ron was also a member of the Community Assistance Program with the SL Fire Department. We offer our deepest…

Release the Ladybugs

Dannette Hunnel Aphids are bad for plants. Ladybugs will eat aphids. April is the time to purchase ladybugs at nurseries or online from direct ladybug suppliers. The ladybugs (also known as lady beetles or convergent lady beetles) are collected from the foothills and mountains in California and therefore prefer the cooler, damp weather. The bags…

Horton Hatched His Last Egg

Sandy Pallett Old Horton the elephant has hatched his last egg of the Dr. Suess Season! Ten of SLCT’s Children Theatre members headed out each week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) to entertain kindergarten and 1st grade students at 23 schools in the Chandler Unified School District. They performed Dr. Seuss’s story of Horton Hatches the…

Parli Italiano?

Would you like to speak Italian and meet others who enjoy speaking it? Whether you are a native speaker or someone who wants to brush up on your Italian, come join us for friendly conversation. We meet every Tuesday (October through May) from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the Cottonwood Computer Learning Center, Room 1.

Card Making Class

Linda Smart and Sarah Lythgoe Join us on the second Saturday of every month to make two greeting cards with an Independent Stampin’ Up demonstrator. The class fee is $8 and includes everything you need except adhesive. Bring yours or purchase during class. Doors open at 9:20 a.m. The cards will be completed during one…


Rabbi Irwin Wiener, D.D. How many times have we whispered to ourselves, and even discussed with others, the opportunities that were missed? All of us, at one time or another, feel pangs of regret—I should have—I could have—I would have. Each path we take in our journey for the best that life has to offer…

Monumental Achievement: $100,000

What started as a conversation at a reception for Crystal Award recipients in 2016 has grown into a well-received service/charity project throughout all three Sun Lakes communities. The founding members, Bobbie Reed and Charlene Petragallo from Oakwood and Kathy Skrei from Cottonwood Palo Verde, have watched the project evolve over the years. The Crystal Card…