May 2015

National Day of Prayer breakfast

Susan Reynhout The Sun Lakes Women’s Connection and SunBird Prayer Group will sponsor a National Day of Prayer Continental Breakfast on Thursday, May 7 at 9:00 a.m. Everyone in Sun Lakes, SunBird and the surrounding areas are encouraged to attend this very special event. You will hear patriotic music, listen to an engaging speaker, and…

Conservation Corner

Our endangered oceans—part 1 Pauline Lee Since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went missing, sea trash has made global headlines. The hundreds of objects sighted off the Australian coast as possible aircraft debris turned out to be discarded fishing equipment, cargo container parts or plastic shopping bags. Sadly, there’s more garbage in the oceans than we…

CMGA play day results

Results of recent events: 3/07. Ace of Aces – Flight 1 Gross: 1st Paul Brauer, 2nd Cliff Mattson, Jay Mays and William Moore; Net: 1st Dan Paxton, 2nd William Moore; Flight 2 Gross: 1st Ken Pearson, 2nd Robert Walk; Net: 1st Robert Walk, Jerry Cisneros and Hank Clausen; Flight 3 Gross: 1st Jim Czaja, 2nd…

Fly-Fishing Club news

Ernie Papacek holding a nice rainbow trout that he landed at Silver Creek in March on one of our overnight trips.

George Abernathy Fly-fishing trips started gathering momentum at the end of March and will continue all the way through November-December this year. By the time this article is read, club members will have gone on multiple trips to the Mongolian Rim, White Mountains and local waters. In addition to befriending fellow residents while fly-fishing, our…

The Treasure of an English Bible

Dr. Marc Drake

Dr. Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, Sun Lakes Baptist Church A man with a neatly trimmed beard, stately forehead and piercing eyes stood at a wood post, having been tied to it. At his feet, men piled logs and kindling, after which they poured gunpowder over the dry wood. A city official stood by with a…

Team Board Game Group

Denise Lott If you like interactive, board-style games that lend themselves to teams like Outburst, Trivia, Catch-Phrase, Pictionary, Scattergories, etc., please consider joining us on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Since we play in teams, everyone has her own strengths. It’s a ladies’ social evening with lots of laughs. There is…

Free meditation practice

Meditation quiets the mind, body and soul. Research has shown that a daily meditation practice repairs the brain. Most diseases and brain problems are caused by stress. When one is stressed the sleep pattern is interrupted. If the body does not get adequate rest and relaxation things begin to go awry. The brain, heart, lungs…

Sun Lakers donate over $1000 for rare childhood lung disease

Penny Petersen presents a check to Daisy Steiner for the chILD Foundation

In November 2013, Harrison Steiner (eight), grandson of Penny and Ron Petersen, was admitted to Phoenix Children’s Hospital and diagnosed with viral pneumonia. He had contracted a virus called adenovirus which developed into Bronchiolitis Obliterans (OB), a rare lung disease. OB causes the tiny airways, bronchioles, to become inflamed and the inflammation becomes scar tissue…

Sisk Bocce Club wraps another successful season

New officers for the Sisk Bocce Ball Club (left to right): Judy Hester, past president; Pam Hansen, secretary; Dianne Severa, vice-president; Harry Bicchieri, social director; Terry Sporleder, division director; Sharon Bicchieri, social director; Irene D’Aloisio, president; and Gary Vacin, publicity Director.

Gary Vacin The Sisk Bocce Ball club wrapped another successful season March 29 with lots of food, wine and winners at its annual potluck and awards party at Sisk Park; more than 150 members attended. Hats off to all the officers, with special kudos to outgoing President Judy Hester and Publicity Director Irene D’Aloisio for…

Big night at the Crystal Awards

The Crystal Award honorees for 2015 are Ron Issacson, Don Hicks, 
Gil Hendry, Elaine Hair, Wayne Divoky and Woody Neiman.

On Sunday evening, March 1, Crystal Award honorees were treated to an outstanding banquet and awards ceremony at Palo Verde Country Club. Over 170 friends, neighbors and relatives shared the evening with this year’s class of chosen community volunteers who have done so much to make Sun Lakes one of the top 10 senior communities…