The Sun Lakes Niners Ladies Golf Association is for ladies who are interested in golf but choose to play nine holes. Membership is open to any woman who is a member in good standing of any Sun Lakes Homeowners Association or who is a Renaissance resident. Dues are $35.00 for the golf season. If this…
Category: Sports
Sports, June 2017
Cottonwood Lady Niners seasonal farewell luncheon finishes on a high “$note$”

Diana De Pree The Niners Farewell Luncheon was comprised of awards, gifts, election of new officers and giving back to the community. To start off right, a check was given to Neighbors Who Care for their continuing good work helping our friends in need. We followed up with awards to this seasonal “Cream of the…
Sports, June 2017
Oakwood Nine Hole Couples Golf League

Sandy Krediet Oakwood Nine Hole Couples Golf League ended a great season of golf on May 5. We had a surge in our membership, wonderful afternoons of golf and new friendships formed. We want to thank all our league members for a successful year, and we look forward to another awesome season beginning in November.…
Sports, June 2017
Sun Lakes Swimmers medal at US Masters National Swim Meet
Sports, June 2017
IWLN most improved golfers

Nancy Davis, Publicity Most Improved Golfers: On April 12, President Denise Fleshner hosted our General Meeting and Brunch and announced the IWLN “Most Improved Golfers” for 2016. Denise awarded the 1st Place Most Improved Golfer to Judy Thompson and the Runner-Up Most Improved Golfer to Lynnie Cheney. Both of the ladies were presented a certificate…
Sports, June 2017
SLLGA 18 Holers results

Nancy Field 1st Place Team – Brenda Heyink, Nancy Field, Lavaughn Pietz 2nd Place Team – (tie) Lynda Smith, Valerie Mcdonald, Judi Kilgus, Janet Jackson and Donna Smid, Lilian Getty, Catherine Lajune, Donna Jones and Debbie Loch, Mary Liepold, Linda Hillyard, Margot Mask 3rd Place Team – Nicole Wadley, Diane Grosse, Ingrid Jefferies, Jan Conley…
Sports, June 2017
OLGA news and tournament results
Carol Smith The Pico Tournament was great fun. We played one week at Oakwood and one week at Palo Verde. The first-place winners were Rachel Rainville, Sandy Knight, Susan Lamb and Anne Hughes. Second place were Vanessa Heimgarten, Carol Brown, Caroline Brown and Linda Grendahl. We had a wonderful lunch at Palo Verde to celebrate…