David Zapatka Evaluate: * Watch your opponents during pregame warmups to discover weaknesses and tendencies. Be sure you notice if they are right-handed or left-handed. * Be patient. Take your time. Learn to dink the ball cross court and straight ahead. * Play soft. Hit the ball hard only when you have proper timing and…
Category: Sports
June 2024, Sports
SLMGA Banquet
June 2024, Sports
IronOaks Breakers Pool League

Tera Crisalida, Breakers Board Secretary On April 17 the IronOaks Breakers Pool League completed the spring 8-Ball tournament. Finalists Gene “Terminator” Granquist and Don “Smoothie” Lewis competed for the championship. After a tough battle, Don won with a score of 5-3. Congratulations to both players who worked their way to the finals. The tournaments are…
June 2024, Sports
Tennis Tip from Coach Kwong
Many recreational doubles players seem to station themselves in the backcourt. They are comfortable displaying groundstrokes, lobs, and occasional drop shots. If this describes you, there are plenty of opportunities for you to advance forward, bringing your opponents forward. This forces them to transition from their comfortable backcourt placement to test how strong/weak their volley…
June 2024, Sports
Softball Player Profile: Rick Berry

Larry Wolfe So, who are we profiling this month? Well, the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. Or is that just Rick Berry’s awesome beard? A California native, Rick was born in Pasadena and attended Rosemead High School, which is about 12 miles east of LA. Rick went directly into the workforce after…
June 2024, Sports
Come Try the New Thing in Tennis—Short-Court Tennis!

Penny Petersen Short-court tennis is played on a standard tennis court using a standard net. The singles lines are used, making it narrower. The service line is used as the baseline, thus the title “short-court.” A low compression tennis ball is used, which is exactly what juniors use when learning tennis. A special tennis racket…
Sports, June 2024
Niners April Golf Results
Jim Wegman, Publicity This is the time of the year when we say goodbye to our winter golfers. We hope you arrive safely, and remember to travel back to IronOaks when the leaves start to fall. Our two great March events are in the books. May brought big changes, as the Lakes course was closed…
June 2024, Sports
Sun Lakes Lady Putters

Susan Gottschalk Our very busy 27th season has come to a close. The Lady Putters played a total of 26 weekly times. We hosted 31 maintenance workers and their director Scott Anderson at an appreciation pizza lunch. We celebrated annual Lady Putters lunches for the December holidays and welcomed the warmth of spring. Additionally, our…
Sports, June 2024
IronOaks Lady Breakers
New name, same game. Come join us for ladies’ camaraderie and fun. We play 8-Ball on Mondays from 9 a.m. to noon and on Tuesdays from 9:15 to 11 a.m. year-round. Several of our members leave for the hot summer months, but we play on. We go to lunch at least on the first Monday…