Sun Lakes Lady Putters

Winners of the table game Golf Word Completion at the Spring Luncheon: Seated (left to right): Judy Dawson, Jeannie Greenbush, Debbie Bozak; standing (left to right): Marybeth Smith, Suzanne Coffman, April Garrard, Diane Freeberg, Shirley Werab, Sam Palmatier. Because there were two tables of winners, the first table picture was published in the May edition of the Splash. (Photo by Susan Gottschalk)

Susan Gottschalk

Our very busy 27th season has come to a close. The Lady Putters played a total of 26 weekly times. We hosted 31 maintenance workers and their director Scott Anderson at an appreciation pizza lunch. We celebrated annual Lady Putters lunches for the December holidays and welcomed the warmth of spring. Additionally, our volunteers hosted our table at two Community Open Houses. We invite you to visit us at our table at the Community Open Houses in early October to learn more about Lady Putters. We look forward to our summer break and staying cool wherever we can find air conditioning. Lady Putters’ news in the September Splash will contain information regarding the start of our 28th season.

Monday Flight:

April 8: (tie) Shauna Bragg, Kathy Adams, Sue Schumacher, Kathy David, and Annette Schneider, Sharon Darnell, Sandy Johnson

April 15: (tie) Annette Schneider, Sharon Darnell, Linda Lafuze, Shauna Bragg, and Phyllis Klinkenburg, Kathy David, Olive Hadsell

April 22: (tie) Phyllis Schager, Sandy Johnson, Olive Hadsell, Sharon Gouthro and Sharon Darnell, Phyllis Klinkenburg, Colleen Foley

April 29: Kathryn Rowe, Phyllis Klinkenburg, Sharon Gouthro


1st Vera Gaines; 2nd Phyllis Klinkenburg; 3rd Olive Hadsell; 4th Phyllis Schager, Colleen Foley; 5th Sharon Darnell, Arlene Tucker

Tuesday Flight:

April 9: Karen Durham, Cookie Olinger, Roseanne Soczka, Kathy Mindnich

April 16: Lu Walk, Connie Hogan, Kathy Mindnich, Meryl Lee Seewald

April 23: (tie) Lu Walk, Kathy Mindnich, Roseann Soczka and Connie Hogan, Judy Mugrage, Karen Durham

April 30: Dianne Burns, Carol Hegyes, Connie Hogan


3rd Kathy Mindnich, Carol Hegyes, Mary Miller; 4th Cookie Olinger; 5th Dianne Burns, Judy Mugrage; 6th Roseann Soczka, Connie Hogan

Tuesday Oakwood Flight:

April 9: Debbie Bozak, Shanyn Engler, Linda Kenney, Karen Tvedten

April 16: Cheryl Knudsen, Vickie Mendenhall, Marybeth Smith

April 23: Vicki Mendenhall, Marla Parlet, Shirley Werab

April 30: (tie) Suzanne Coffman, Diane Freeberg, Darlene Reach and Karen Fiore, Diane Morice, Shirley Werab


5th Judy Dawson, Diane Morice; 7th Lynn Perri, Marla Parlet, Jeannie Greenbush; 8th Cheryl Knudsen; 9th Madeline Mazzei, Diane Freeberg, Karen Fiore, Suzanne Coffman; 12th Sam Palmatier, Barb Frank; 13th Vicki Mendenhall; 14th Karen Tvedten; 15th Ann Newton, Sam Palmatier; 16th Marybeth Smith, Linda Kenney; 17th Shirley Werab; 18th April Garrard; 23rd Marilyn Kasper, Darlene Reach; 33rd Shanyn Engler, Marge Duggan

Wednesday Flight:

April 10: Rita Lobello, Nancy Chadderdon, Lizz Bradley, Carol Stagger

April 17: Sylvia Lee, Carol Wenger

April 24: (tie) Lizz Bradley, Gloria Brockman, Carol Stagger and Jan Stuckey, Donna Wolmutt, Denise Sodaro


1st Lori Dykstra, Donna Wolmutt; 3rd Sylvia Lee, Nancy Chadderdon; 4th Gloria Brockman