Monday Afternoon Social Partnership Bridge Sun Lakes Country Club 5/16. 1st Maurine Howell and Valda Wiggers, 2nd Ron and Mary Kent, 3rd Bernice Ross and Paul Budrick; Slam: Karen Harnish and Lori Scharbach/Paul Budrick and Bernie Ross 5/23. 1st Dick and Donna Briner, 2nd Maurine Howell and Valda Wiggers, 3rd Karen Harnish and Lori Scharbach…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, July 2022
IronOaks Ladies Billiards Club

Judy Wolthausen Ladies, it’s hot outdoors! This is the perfect time of the year to leave those outdoor activities and come join us in our air-conditioned Pool/Billiards Room at the Oakwood Country Club. It is at the opposite end of the building from the ballroom. Summer is a great time to join in during our…
Clubs & Classes, July 2022
Scanning and Organizing Your Photos
On Wednesday, July 13, the Computer Booters Club will have a program on how to organize and care for your photos. There will be a video on how to scan photos, followed by a discussion on how to organize your photos. A Zoom connection will be available. We will meet in the new Cottonwood Computer…
Clubs & Classes, July 2022
Joyful DOWNSIZING Tackles What to Do With Your Decluttered Stuff
Kim Kubsch As owner of Joyful DOWNSIZING and a Sun Lakes resident, I am passionate about helping boomers and seniors declutter to simplify their lives with downsizing unwanted stuff and organizing the remaining items. Here are four things you can do with items you have decluttered: 1. Trash It. Some stuff that you’ve decluttered is probably…
Clubs & Classes, July 2022
Rotary Club July 2022

Rotary Club of Sun Lakes Names CUSD 2022 Scholarship Winners Dr. Honora Norton, RCSL Public Image Director The Rotary Club of Sun Lakes (RCSL) extends congratulations to the winners of the Rotary Club’s 2022 High School Service Above Self Scholarships to the following: * Sydney Braaten: Sydney will graduate from CUSD Gilbert’s Perry High School after…