Barbara Schwartz If nothing else in life is certain, this one fact certainly is: we will all eventually pass away. The question that should be on all our minds is simple. What are we going to do about it? There will be a seminar on funeral planning to be held at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday,…
Category: November 2014
Generals, November 2014
Sun Lakes Rotary’s Annual Pancake Breakfast! Sponsored by Coulter Motor Company – Tempe

With a Pancake here… and a Pancake There… Here a Pancake… There a Pancake… Everywhere a Pancake! We’re Back! The Sun Lakes Rotary Club will hold its 18th Annual Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, November 9 at the Oakwood Country Club Ballroom in Sun Lakes. This year, as last, Coulter Motor Company-Tempe is our major sponsor. Our…
Clubs & Classes, November 2014
November free meditation class at SunBird
Meditation quiets the mind, body and soul. When one sits quietly and settles down the mind the body follows. If the body is too rattled and uneasy it is hard to settle the mind. Therefore, gentle exercises are done at the beginning to help the body get relaxed. You will feel your muscles relaxing after…
Clubs & Classes, November 2014
Hearing loss seminar November 13
Michele Michaels, Hard of Hearing Specialist, ACDHH At some point in our lives we are going to end up in the hospital or a skilled nursing facility. People with hearing loss will, without question, encounter communication challenges while there. Michele will recount her own experiences in this realm and share the various types of services…
Clubs & Classes, November 2014
Restless Minds Group November 11
Bill Gates People measure success in many ways and on many different levels. When setting goals in life and business, it’s important that we identify what success means to us personally, so that when we succeed we’ll know it. The Restless Minds discussion group will try to identify what constitutes success when it meets on…
Generals, November 2014
Extra special Arizona classic Jazz festival
Helen Daley The purpose of the Arizona Classic Jazz Festival is to bring first class bands to Arizona and showcase superb Arizonian bands that play the traditional jazz and swing music made famous during the first half of the 1900’s. The music starts at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 6 and concludes on Sunday, November…
Generals, November 2014
Preparations underway for Sun Lakes Chorale’s holiday concert

Jan Ott As singers rehearse for their December 11 concert, another key participant in this group is putting forth her best efforts; namely, the Chorale’s long-time and treasured accompanist, Janice Manning. Possessing tenure which exceeds that of most of the key players in this successful group, she is essential to the emotional and musical communication…
Generals, November 2014
Karaoke and dancing
Double the fun at the Sun Lakes Country Club Pro Shop (Sandy’s Place). Karaoke and dancing will be November 8 and November 29 at the newly remodeled Pro Shop from 7:00-? p.m. located on Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun Lakes. Mark your calendar for another fun evening of singing and dancing. If you have been to…
Generals, November 2014
Sun Lakes Country Club – November 2014
Now serving dinner at Sunset Grill Join us for full service dinner provided from your very own association restaurant! The menu below is our current selection of delicious items for you to choose from, available each night. Looking for your Friday Night Fish Fry? Don’t worry! You can still get your all-you-can-eat fish every Friday…
Clubs & Classes, November 2014
Scandinavian dancers to entertain at the November 16 Scandinavian Club meeting
Jerry Christenson and Lyle Replogle The Scandinavian Club of Southeast Valley begins the 2014/2015 year with a meeting at Sun Lakes Country Club. The meeting will be in the Arizona Room on Sunday, November 16. Once again, we will begin with a social hour with open bar at 5:00 p.m. You will want to be…