Guess what? Did you know that you can transform your home during the holidays for small bucks, with just a little organization and a little fun shopping? Have you ever wondered about what makes holiday time such a special treat? It’s the food and the parties and the decorations! Are the holiday decorations that you…
Category: November 2014
Religion, November 2014
Program on IDF November 2
The Friends of Israel Committee and the Men’s Club of Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation and the East Valley Jewish Community Center will present “The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF): Personal Experiences” on November 2 at 3:00 p.m. at The Chapel Center, 9240 N. Sun Lakes Boulevard, Sun Lakes Arizona 85248. Light refreshments will be served. The…
Clubs & Classes, November 2014
Sun Lakes Italian-American Club open to all residents

Donna Haugland, President The Sun Lakes Italian American Club membership rolls are open to those who are interested in Italian culture, food and a good time. Our regular business meetings occur on the first Monday of the month in the Navajo Room at the Sun Lakes Country Club. We begin at 6:00 p.m. with a…
Generals, November 2014
Sun Lakes Arts and Crafts Association annual Fall Show November 29
The Sun Lakes Arts and Crafts Association annual Fall Show will be held on Saturday, November 29 with over 70 venders showcasing their unique handmade crafts and art work. The show will take place at the Sun Lakes Country Club (25601 N. Sun Lakes Blvd.) from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Come early for the best selection…
Sports, November 2014
Coming Soon! 2014 Crystal Awards

Twas the year 2009 when ideas bloomed in Sun Lakes with regard to recognition, thanks of appreciation, and honors for outstanding residents known for their volunteerism within the Sun Lakes Community areas. Meetings took place in the Splash office including Harvey Boyd of Western Broadband; Linda Robson, Robson Publishing; Stan Scott , Sun Lakes Charities;…
Clubs & Classes, November 2014
Metal Lokators back in action

Virginia Koehler The Sun Lakes Metal Lokators’ Club is back and hunting. Our first meeting was Monday October 13. Our first monthly fun hunt was to the Salt River, a beautiful area we always enjoy hunting. We meet the second Monday of every month October through April. Most meetings are held at 1:00 p.m. in…
Clubs & Classes, November 2014
Savvy Travelers to meet November 13

The next Savvy Travelers Meeting is November 13 in the San Tan Ballroom at 6:30 pm. At Cottonwood Country Club. Come join us – it’s a Cruise Night with Holland America kick off the fall season. Lots of brochures. No dues. Join us for some refreshments, door prizes and special offers. Laura Okonowski, Business Development…
Religion, November 2014
Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation news – November 2014

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation is an established reform congregation of over 400 members that meets at the Sun Lakes All Faith Chapel on the second Friday of the month beginning in November at 7:30 p.m. Services are a great opportunity to meet new people, connect with Judaism and learn. New attendees are invited to be…
Sports, November 2014
IMGA news
John Concannon, Publicity The weather is finally cooling, and our Canadian residents and snowbirds are returning to the valley. So too, IMGA News returns to the Splash from a summer hiatus, at least temporarily. Plans are already in the works for the 2015 activities schedule and the play day schedule. A significant change to the new…
Sports, November 2014
The Strike Zone – November 2014
Come bowl with us The Guys and Dolls Bowling League needs bowlers this season. Come join in the fun. You don’t have to be a good bowler, just someone who wants to have a good time. You don’t have to join as a full team – we’ll put you on a team that needs someone.…