December 2018

Chi Dance with Kim

Tai Chi-Qigong is a practice for senior health and longevity to improve balance, plus coordination and agility of the mind and body. With slow, continually flowing movements, my fusion of these practices feels like a slow dance by yourself! In my newly released DVD titled, Chi Dance with Kim Kubsch, I am joined by 18…

Golden Goalies – contests and reminiscing

Bea Loozer As you read this, it’s already December, so you are no doubt looking forward to lots of treats of various sorts. Since I’m writing this in November, I’m anticipating Thanksgiving as well as all the special events and goodies that Christmas offers. That brings to mind our pre-Thanksgiving weigh-in, which begins our holiday…

Tap dance classes in 2019

  Start the new year with tap dancing! In this class, we will learn combinations of tap steps, work on balance and coordination and add new steps to our memory bank. Participants need to be familiar with basic tap steps, such as flap, shuffle and ball-change and have some kind of dance experience in their…

Join us for Casino Night

  Casino Night, benefiting Lions Camp Tatiyee, is Saturday, January 26, 2019, from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 N. Sun Lakes Blvd. We will be playing Blackjack, Texas Hold’em, Bingo, Roulette and Craps. Tickets are $20 each, and you will receive $500 in play chips and a free buffet ticket…

What is proper etiquette around service dogs?

Do you realize that many disabled veterans say they feel invisible and alone because people do not know how to interact with them. They say their wheelchair or prosthetic is the only thing people see, thus avoiding eye contact and conversation. However, put a 100-pound ball of fur into the mix and people notice them…

The 10th annual Halloween Pet Party was a success

Sandi Bargioni and Judy Gahide, Co-Sponsors/Hosts Carmen Miranda, the Brazilian samba singer, dancer and film star from the 1930 to 1950 era, and her little Mini Me Yorkie made a guest appearance at this year’s Pet Party. Their signature fruit hats were exceptionally clever and colorful. The crowd enthusiastically applauded their win, and we feel…

Yoga – vinyasa style

  Sheila Axtman Wow – It’s already December. Lots of activities and food, parties, friends and family. Vinyasa yoga will give you an hour twice a week to breath, move, re-center yourself and forget for a few minutes everything on the “to do” list. Every year on the last yoga day before Christmas, I teach…