Monday Afternoon Social Partnership Bridge 10/15. 1st Bernie Ross and David McCann, 2nd Karen Harnish and Lori Scharbach, 3rd Ruth Hiner and Nancy Parsegian; Small Slam: Bernie Ross and David McCann 10/22. 1st Brenda Costa and Joan Silver, 2nd Ellen and Elliott Bond, 3rd Dori and Ed Krenek; Slam: Dee Guthrie and Bernie Ross…
Category: Sports
Sports, December 2018
CWPV homeowners by the dozen learn to play Pickleball – next lesson December 14

Irene D’Aloisio, President SLPCC The first Walk-In Clinic for learning pickleball was held on November 2, an absolutely gorgeous Arizona evening. The education and fun was provided by our CWPV community club, the Sun Lakes Pickleball Club Cottonwood (SLPCC). And it has to be called a rousing success. There’s just no other way to describe…
Sports, December 2018
Sun Lakes Table Tennis Club plans new season

SLTTC members gathered at the Oakwood Country Club dance studio to plan our new season. President June Wagner opened the meeting by giving a quick review of the past year’s accomplishments. Items for this agenda were disclosed. Negotiations for a larger venue continue, but no concrete results are yet available. Tournaments with visiting clubs and…
Sports, December 2018
Rainbow social – colorful and fun

Penny Petersen Cottonwood’s Rainbow Classic, the first social of the 2018-2019 season, gleamed with color, and in spite of the heat, all 85 participants showed up on time and played their matches with enthusiasm. The “Rainbow” is a two-day social. Socials are planned events organized for enjoyable play that stress fun and companionship rather than…
Sports, December 2018
Relishing Pickleball

National Championship has record attendance David Zapatka Indian Wells Tennis Garden, Indian Wells, CA. The Margaritaville USA Pickleball National Championships were held November 3-11. Many Sun Lakes residents attended as participants and spectators. A record 2200+ participants from around the country and world played nearly 5,000 matches. $75,000 in prize money was the highest in…
Sports, December 2018
The Strike Zone
Guys and Dolls Karen Sowney 9/24. Men — Scratch Game: Bob Reeves 220, Dave Tharp 213; Scratch Series: Bob Reeves 589, Ted Hanna 548; Women — Scratch Game: Dot Carmichael 197, Chris Frazon 168; Scratch Series: Dot Carmichael 492, Chris Frazon 477 10/01. Men — Scratch Game: John Greenwood 218, Ralph Harper 215; Scratch…
Sports, December 2018
Sun Lakes Lady Putters results

Susan Gottschalk The 2018-2019 season for the Sun Lakes Lady Putters has started, and January will mark the beginning of our 22nd year. We look forward to the annual Christmas lunch on December 7 in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood. Cash and other prizes are awarded to the lucky winners in the raffle drawing.…
Sports, December 2018
OLGA playday results
Carol Smith Boy, it was nice to see everyone at our Welcome Back lunch after nine holes of golf. Everyone looked great and had a good time. We introduced our new board for 2019: President Debbie Horner, Vice President Mary Dyrseth, Secretary Julie Hastings and Treasurer Colleen Ritter. Ann Annis presented the award for…