December 2023

Memoirs from Mama: That Little Christmas Tree

Kathleen Ismael For years and years I’ve had a large tree The smell of the pine remains with me! Popcorn strung by the children— Cranberries and paper chains made with glee. Beautiful ornaments hung on the tree. Pretty lights strung around and around, Old-fashioned birds, bells, and tinsel Would twinkle and make a nice sound!…

Writer’s Group – December 2023

Optimism Check Kris Szlauko Is your glass half empty or half full? Our lives are so busy, especially during the holidays that we rarely have time or the desire to do a sanity check on our state of mind or emotional state. We spend most of November and December on autopilot going through all of…

Pickle Barrel Classic Pickleball Tournament

The Pickle Barrel Classic pickleball tournament will be held on March 11 to March 14, 2024. This is a non-sanctioned event hosted by Sun Lakes Pickleball Club IronOaks and sponsored by Unison Bank. There will be Men’s, Women’s, and Mixed Doubles, levels 2.5 through 4.0. UTPR, DUPR, IPTPA, or club rating is required. If you don’t…

Niners October Golf Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity It is with great sadness that I report the passing of a former member, Eddie “Fast Eddie” Allen. Eddie was a member from 2014 to 2019 when health issues kept him off the course. Eddie was a very good golfer, but far more important, he was one of the nicest men you…

Doll Collector Club Seeks Donations

The Sun Lakes Doll Collector Club is gathering all their refurbished 18-inch dolls and their Barbie-type dolls to give to local charities for use as Christmas gifts. For the most part, these dolls were bought at yard sales, donated, or purchased from resale stores. All the dolls have been made to look like new, with…

What Is Happening?

Have you noticed the construction crews working on the north side of Riggs Road near the library? The answer to that question would be—progress. For 20 years, the only way to get to our Maricopa Library or the Methodist Church was by auto—no big deal if you have a car and can drive there. However,…

Happy Holidays

Harry Huckemeyer What a special time of the year this is for us all as we celebrate the holiday season with friends and family, enjoying the fine weather and all the bright lights and cheerful music that are always a big part of it. Many thanks go out to all our supporters who helped us…

SLCT’S ‘Rex’s Exes’ Played to Sold-Out Crowds

Publicity Committee Sun Lakes Community Theatre (SLCT) performance tickets are a hot commodity around here. The recent run of their fall production, Rex’s Exes, played to full houses every show, and the tickets were all purchased before the show even opened! SLCT thanks everyone for their wonderful support! And the crowds were not disappointed. Comedy…