Bobbie Reed
The Crystal Card Project continues its work—even after 16 months of pandemic shutdown.
Volunteers have continued making cards at home to assure a replenished supply for sale. And our home delivery service has allowed people to choose and buy cards in the safety of their own home.
Community members have generously continued to donate used cards. If you’d like to donate, you can place the cards in one of the specially-marked bins around the community: in the clubhouses at Oakwood, Ironwood, and Palo Verde and the libraries at Sun Lakes Country Club and Cottonwood. Or email us at to make special arrangements.
We are looking forward to a return to more usual activities soon. We are exploring options for fall sales in various communities. Watch the upcoming issues of the Splash for details.
Meanwhile, we continue our home delivery option. If you are interested in buying cards, follow the steps below to arrange for an assortment of cards to be delivered to your Sun Lakes home:
1. Send an email to that includes:
* Your name
* Your Sun Lakes home address
* Your phone number
* The basic kinds of cards you want
2. A volunteer will call, confirm details, and arrange to deliver an assortment for you to choose from. If you plan to share with friends, ask the volunteer to deliver extra cards.
3. You look through the card assortment at your convenience and pick the ones you want.
4. You place payment for the cards you have chosen in the box, along with the cards to be returned. (Cards are $1 each. You can pay with cash or by check made out to The Crystal Card Project.)
5. Call the volunteer to arrange for pickup. The phone number will be in the box with the cards when they arrive.
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