Acrylic painting by Don Milliron
Sue Sindelar
The Desert Artists Club (DAC) invites any artist in Sun Lakes to join them each Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 6 p.m. in the Cottonwood Ceramics Room (A-8) to work on their art projects together in a supportive and fun environment. We come together to create in many different styles of art and work in many different mediums, including but not limited to acrylics, oils, watercolors, gauche, charcoal, pen and ink, pastels, colored pencils, and mixed media. We each bring our own supplies. Any artist who lives within our three HOAs is able to participate and join this fun and inspiring group. We are a casual club with no dues or regular meetings. As members we have access to a library of instructional books and videos, lots of beautiful photographs, and other resources to borrow. Occasionally, we have a social gathering and include “Share Your Art,” bringing favorite paintings or works of art to display while we snack on potluck goodies. We have had artistic outings, which are always a fun activity.
If you are curious and want to see if this club might fit your needs, stop in for a visit and meet other artists at work (play). You can join any time just by coming and participating. There is no formal requirement to join. We have beginning and advanced artists, so there is no need to feel that you won’t fit in. We are all on a journey of learning and creating, and we encourage each other’s endeavors.
The Ceramics Room (A-8) is in a courtyard across from the Cottonwood Library, which is near the Golf Pro Shop, south of Riggs on Robson Blvd. Come join us. We meet year round unless Tuesday falls on a holiday. With summer weather upon us now, it is nice to get out and be with others of like interest, inspiring and being inspired by our love of art.
You may contact me at [email protected] or call and leave a message at 480-745-2198. Most questions can be answered by members during our weekly gatherings, so don’t hesitate to stop in. The best time is between 3 and 5 p.m. We have new members joining on a regular basis.