Neil and Karen Donahoe
Bob and Vickie Bybee
One of the things we love about the Fun Lakers is how our members come together. There are folks who are always ready to pitch in and make events enjoyable for everyone, and those who help behind the scenes. In appreciation for what they do, we honor them with a Fun Laker Fun Maker Recognition Award. Last month’s recipients were Karen and Neil Donahoe for all the hard work they did for the Golf Cart Rally. Everyone who participated had a great time with the games, dinner, and awards.
We had two events in April: the Painting and Wine Party on April 3, and the final Dance Party of the season on April 21, which was the Spring Fling, with beachy summer dress and celebration of the coming summer, with musician Thaddeus Rose.
Our only May event was the return of the Horserace at the San Tan Ballroom in Cottonwood on May 7. Everyone wore their best Derby hat to try and win a gift card. The DJ was spinning tunes for dancing between races.
It’s the time of the year when we need to start thinking about all the upcoming events and consider volunteering to help when they are announced. You can visit us at www.funlakers.org to see what we are doing and request more information. Don’t forget to check out Fun Lakers’ Facebook page, www.facebook.com/funlakersclub, to see pictures of recent events. Nextdoor also has events scheduled.
Throughout the summer, Euchre will continue to meet on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 6 p.m., and Mexican Train meets every Monday evening at 6 p.m. in the Cottonwood Game Room. Texas Hold’em Poker is the third Saturday of every month in the Poker Room (A-3) in Cottonwood next to the Arts & Crafts Room.