Jenny Browne
The IronOaks Men’s Pickleball team won their third straight East Valley Interclub League Championships. The communities participating in this league include Cottonwood, Ahwatukee Recreation Center (ARC), Trilogy, and Solera. The winning team at IronOaks include Bill Aichele, Art Baessler, Dave Bissell, Jon Bowerman, Bill Duke, Kim Fleithman, Jack Hill, Tom Kasper, Steve Langer, Mike Mann, Rocky Myers, Chuck Myrick, Dave Novikoff, Jim Nulty, Pat O’Connell, Jerry Pederson (captain), John Reed, Jim Scott, Milt Sharpe, Steve Smitham, Bill Wilkinson, Todd Williams and Bob Zimmerman. The IronOaks Fitness and Racquet Club is very proud of this team of men. With limited practice time, their skills and love of the sport have proven to be greater than their competition.