The ladies in the photo represent four elected executive board members and 10 appointed standing chairpersons. Back row: Deb Burns, Vicki Mendenhall, Deborah Greenwood, Suevonne Negaard, Rachel Enloe, Beth Zdeblick, Janis Gustafson; front row: Carol Knack, Ann Gavins, President Judy Thompson, Deb Poropat, Holly Toms, Shirley Moore, and Lynn Matassarin (absent)
Suevonne Negaard
Teamwork Important for Ironwood Niners Board of Directors. As the temps climb and Sun Lakers are called to cooler places, the golf leagues make changes, too! President Judy Thompson states, “The league is only as strong as the board members and appointed chairpersons who are working together. I appreciate my team.”
Happy Birthday, Margaret. The biggest April social event was a surprise 90th birthday party for member Margaret Johns. As she came off the course and approached the Pro Shop patio, she saw many of her colleagues waving balloons, cutting cake, and singing “Happy Birthday.” This lovely lady is described by many as 90, witty, friendly, beautiful, and a great golfer. And her response, “The tribute to my longevity is the reason Ironwood Lady Niners is my favorite league. Thank You.”
Project AZCEND. When this article went to press, final numbers on the league’s fundraiser were not available, but growing quickly. The goal is to present a substantial gift to a local charity, AZCEND Food Bank. All donations will be matched by the Ironwood Lady Niners’ treasury.
The Annual Awards Celebration will be held soon, but a lot of Ironwood Lady Niners’ news will be in a fall issue of the Splash. Who will be the Club Champion or maybe the Most Improved Player?
Summer Signup. All summer rounds of golf will be reserved by signing up in the Pro Shop Computer Room. Chelsea is going on an extended summer vacation.
The End for Now. This is the final Splash article reporting activities for the Ironwood Lady Niners golf league this season. Let’s hope for herd immunity by fall, so we can “play like we use ta” as we return to the Ironwood links.
Be safe. Stay well. Enjoy summer.