Last Light at Organ Pipe National Park, by Lynn Thompson
Ken Duquaine
Springtime in Arizona is a very special season. But when spring follows a very wet winter, bringing the desert alive with an uncharacteristically lush green color and an abundance of spectacular wildflowers, now that’s really special. The chilly evenings have given way to more moderate temperatures, bringing the pleasant aroma of outdoor barbeques to our neighborhoods. Daytime temperatures are very pleasant and appreciatively enjoyed as we anticipate what we know is to come in a few short months. And, certainly, this season is an exciting time for photographers.
Many photographers of the Sun Lakes Camera Club (SLCC) have taken advantage of this all-too-brief season to get out with their cameras to capture the blossoms and other manifestations of this glorious season. The spectacular display of wildflowers at Picacho State Park this year was one not to be missed, and many of us were rewarded with a large number of “keepers” from our trips there.
A group of SLCC’s intrepid photographers made the trip to Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument in March to capture the flowers, cacti, and scenic beauty for which the area is noted. Many of the images from that excursion can be viewed on the SLCC website.
A group of five SLCC members traveled to Marana on March 28 and 29 for the final two-day photo shoot of our season at Desert Photo Retreat, a unique facility that offers blinds from which a wide variety of birds and other wildlife in their natural habitat can be viewed and photographed. Member Tom Jones graciously devotes much time to organizing and facilitating these and other photo trips for our members.
At our April 6 meeting member John Livoti presented a program designed to help members understand what goes into the often-esoteric process of judging photo competitions. A panel of experienced judges and a panel of non-judge members evaluated the same photos, and the comments and results of both were compared. The purpose of the exercise was to help new members understand how the judging process and criteria employed by judges works in SLCC and other clubs.
The Sun Lakes Camera Club closed its eventful season with a banquet and year-end photo competition on April 20. Results of that competition will be announced in the June edition of this article.
The Sun Lakes Camera Club meets on the first and third Thursdays, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., in the Navajo Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club from October through April. For more information about the SLCC and its activities, contact SLCC President Samantha (Sam) Palmatier at 902-727-0334 or [email protected], or Past President Lynn Thompson at 480-734-0040 or [email protected] and visit our website, www.sunlakescameraclub.com.