On Sunday, March 11, the Sun Lakes Rotary Club will hold its 25th annual Charity Golf Tournament at the Oakwood Country Club. This tournament represents the club’s major fundraiser of the year, allowing it to support numerous charities in Chandler and around the world. For instance, the club has given dictionaries to more than 48,000 third graders in CUSD; taught over 50,000 ninth graders that the choices they make now, good or bad, will affect their lives forever; given scholarships to high school seniors, taken underprivileged children on clothing shopping sprees and contributed more than $100,000 to eradicate polio worldwide. One hundred percent of the net proceeds from the tournament benefit these charities.
All three Oakwood golf courses will be played. If you are planning on golfing but have not registered yet, it would be best to proceed. A full cast of 170 golfers, like last year, is expected. March 1 is the deadline for golf registrations. Contact any Rotarian for the registration form or contact Rotarian Don Bell at 612-396-0069 or Rotarian Peter Meade at 480-600-2458. The fee of $125 covers golf and the dinner that follows. To make things easier, you may register today by completing and mailing in the form you will find on page 4 of the Splash.
And don’t forget the Helicopter Golf Ball Drop. This spectacular event draws a crowd. On the day of the event, numbered golf balls are loaded into a helicopter. It flies over the golf course and drops them onto a green from an altitude of about 90 feet. The balls that are in the hole or closest to the hole are the winners. How can you participate in this fun event? You purchase golf balls and are assigned numbers based upon how many golf balls you purchase. Go to: http://sun-lakes-rotary-golf-ball-drop3.mybigcommerce.com/.
Sun Lakes Rotary Club meets for breakfast every Tuesday morning at 6:30 a.m. in the Oakwood Country Club Ballroom. The meetings start at 7:00 a.m. and end promptly at 8:00 a.m. Cost of breakfast is $13. To make reservations for any meeting, contact Rotarian Peter Meade at 480-600-2458. For Sun Lakes residents, if you want to know more about the club, contact Charles Loew at 602-721-3680. SunBird residents should contact Walt Mills at 480-883-8007.