Art Sloane
Going black for the month of August does not mean that the members of Post 619 Jewish War Veterans in Sun Lakes are not still busy helping veterans. Members of the Post still volunteer at the Southeast Clinic of the VA in Gilbert on a weekly basis. There are many volunteer jobs that need help and especially in the summer when many leave the valley. The next meeting will be September 21 but inquiries are answered all year long from any person regardless of race, religion or gender who would like to know more about the top veterans group in the valley that raises and distributes the most donations to the homeless and hospitalized veterans. During Memorial Day weekend members stood in the heat in front of area Fry’s Groceries in Chandler and Laveen and the people were very generous. Also, the Post is in charge of Veterans Day observances at the flagpole in the area of the Sun Lakes Country Club also known as Veterans Pavilion. These stores and Mesa Market Place will be revisited in November during Veterans Day. Our officer in charge of putting on events for veterans has been very busy. In addition, the group will put on a soft drink and donut serving event at the new Southeast Clinic of the VA.
For information on the Post call Elliot Reiss at 480-802-3281.
Art Sloane may be contacted at 480-802-6810 or