Steve Engler
As we approach the summer season, the Men’s Oakwood Golf Association (MOGA) offers our year-round members a weekly schedule of exciting events and opportunities to socialize with their fellow golfers. In June, we will have events such as ABCD Team Events and Best Balls in the morning and Individual Low Nets in the afternoon.
Upcoming schedule for June MOGA games:
June 2021 AM and PM events combined tee times starting at 7:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.
June 3: 7:30 a.m. AB Scramble/CD Scramble; 11 a.m. Individual Low Net by Flight
June 10: 7:30 a.m. ABCD Rainbow; 11 a.m. Individual Low Net by Flight
June 17: 7:30 a.m. ABCD Best Ball by Flight (3 best nets)*; 11 a.m. Individual Stableford
June 24: 7:30 a.m. ABCD Cha, Cha, Cha; 11 a.m. Individual Low Net
MOGA events may change to shotgun starts at 7:30 a.m. and noon, depending on COVID-19 restrictions at the time.
Dates followed by an asterisk are MOGA Appreciation Days with free beer and soda in the afternoon.
Game descriptions are on the MOGA website, and results of each week’s event are posted on the website. Payouts to weekly participants have averaged 50%, so come out and win some Pro Shop chits.
MOGA membership is still open for any male golfer interested in enjoying a variety of weekly games. We have nearly 300 active members of all skill levels, and there are morning and afternoon rounds to pick from. This year, over 92% of MOGA members renewed or joined online while having 52 new members, a 10 percent growth over last year. To join, go to and click on the link to Join/Renew.
Getting to Know MOGA Membership: Wayne Karp
Wayne Karp and his wife Janet have three children (Bryan, Stephanie, and Andrew). They have two grandchildren (Dylan and Zachary). They moved to Arizona from Illinois in 2002, and Wayne has been a member of MOGA for 18 years. Wayne was a pharmacist and ran a buying group of independent pharmacies in the Midwest. He later worked as a consultant to major pharmacy benefit management companies. Wayne is on the boards of both MOGA and the Ironwood Men’s Golf Association (IMGA) and manages the IMGA website.
Don’t forget, if you have information to share or you want to add something to the Splash, send a message to, and it will be added to the next newsletter!
MOGA Board for 2021:
President: Dan Strafalace, Vice President: Ron Dodd, Treasurer: Ken Gaylord, Secretary: Pat Wilson
Standing Committee Chairs:
Membership: Wayne Karp, Handicap & AGA: Stephen Newkirk, Tournament: Dan Muth, Tournament Assistant: Doug Stodgel, Publicity: Steve Engler, Webmaster: Aki Yasuda