Students and instructors for the first summer session of free tennis clinics at Cottonwood tennis courts
Penny Petersen
For the first time, Cottonwood Tennis Club offered a series of Summer Tennis Clinics on Monday evenings (June 6, 13, and 20) from 7 to 8 p.m. The clinics were for intermediate players and focused on intermediate play to help improve players in the following areas: improve ground strokes, improve net skills and volleys, improve serving, and learn doubles strategy. The free tennis clinics are open to anyone who wants to learn tennis. You do not have to be a resident of Cottonwood Palo Verde, or even a resident of Sun Lakes. During the regular season, it is open to beginners and intermediate players. For this special summer session, it was open only to intermediate players. Three instructors were present at the first session.
The first session, held June 6, drew over 25 players. They were able to spread out over three courts, with an instructor on each court (Court 1, Al Wagner; Court 2, Barb Jorgensen; Court 4, Ron Ryer).
By the time this article appears, the sessions will be over, but if enough people showed up this year, maybe they’ll do it again next summer.
For information about joining Cottonwood Tennis Club, contact Membership Chair Susan Hood at [email protected].