Niners September Golf Results

Jim Wegman, Publicity The mornings are getting cooler; the sun rises later and sets earlier. These are sure signs that our golf course overseed program has begun. Superintendent Ross Buckendahl and his crew are preparing to dig in and change the courses to winter grass. And in a few weeks, we will begin to see…

Are you new to Fly Fishing?

Bob Ludwig

George Abernathy It’s always a joy to introduce a new member to fly fishing and help them navigate through the learning curve of fly fishing. God only knows how technical, confusing, and frustrating it can be without mentorship. I remember when I first got introduced to fly fishing in Colorado in 2004. My mentor, who…

Trips and Tours

For more information or reservations, please contact Free Spirit Vacations and Events at 480-926-5547 or [email protected]. Special Sun Lakes Travel Presentation Nov. 22, 2019, 2:00 p.m., Navajo Room Travel Professionals from Around the Corner to Around the World will be at Sun Lakes Country Club to conduct an educational and entertaining presentation featuring travel destinations and…

Savvy Travelers Club to Meet November 14

The Aycocks and the Malyjureks in Alaska at the end of August--great weather.

Jeanette Rajamaki We will meet in the Saguaro Room at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 14, at the Cottonwood Country Club. There are no dues—just come for brochures, refreshments, and a fun hour of information. Megan Ziegler, business manager for Seabourn and Holland America, will be our speaker. This fall, we will focus on luxury…

Turkey Tuesday

Jan Davie Please circle Nov. 26 on your calendar. It’s Turkey Tuesday! This is the largest one-day turkey drive in Arizona and is dedicated to collecting frozen turkeys and monetary donations to help needy families and individuals throughout our community. This annual event at Sun Lakes involves a special partnership between Bashas’ and the Society…