Scandinavian Club Picnic

Mark your calendars! On Sunday, Nov. 10, friends and folks of Scandinavian heritage are having their Fall Smorgasbord/Picnic! The potluck picnic will take place from 2 to 5 p.m. at Oasis Park in Sun Lakes. The park is west of the clubhouse on East Sun Lakes Blvd. The Scandinavian Club will furnish serving utensils, water,…

The Linux Operating System vs. Windows

Helen Seaton Computer Booters will be holding a short presentation on the Linux Operating System and whether it is a viable replacement for Microsoft Windows. The presentation will address what Linux is and some of the most popular distributions. Other topics that will be discussed will be the various applications that will work with Linux…

Italian American Club Happenings

Steve Ambroso, President Ciao! The Sun Lakes Italian American Club will be having our annual Christmas Party and raffle on Tuesday, Dec. 10, at our new meeting location, the Oakwood ballroom, next to Stone & Barrel restaurant. Doors open at 5 p.m., with a great holiday dinner at 6 p.m. It promises to be a…

Cheers Social Group Activities

Cheers Trip Opportunities: We currently have a group of Cheers members sailing the Danube River! Additionally, another group has plans to travel to Costa Rica for an eight-day land trip on Jan. 2, 2025. The Caravan Travel tour is all-inclusive for $995 plus airfare. See the natural beauty of Costa Rica while staying in deluxe…

Rotary Club of Sun Lakes – November 2024

Janet Hartkopf Named RCSL Rotarian of the Month Dr. Honora Norton The Rotary Club of Sun Lakes (RCSL) named Janet Hartkopf the RCSL September 2024 Rotarian of the Month. For the past several years, Janet has been the editor and maintenance go-to person for RCSL’s website,, and roster. She holds a Master of Education,…

Cheers Singles Group News

Cheers is a social club open to members from Sun Lakes, Springfield, SunBird, and Solera communities. Our current 203 members invite you to become a part of the Cheers family, whether you are a year-round or a seasonal resident. The club offers many activities and programs, including social time, wine tasting, dining out, book club,…