Doll Collector Club

The Sun Lakes Doll Collector Club seeks donations of old dolls and stuffed toys for Christmas giving. We repair older, much-loved dolls of many kinds and then, once made beautiful, give them to children during the fall holidays. We work with all kinds of dolls, like Raggedy Ann and Andy, Cabbage Patch dolls, bears and…

Jewish Congregation Sisterhood

Esther Spear The Sisterhood will meet on Thursday, Nov. 21, at 1 p.m. in the Chapel House. The speaker will be Joyce Petrowski, founder of R.O.S.E. (Resources/Outreach to Safeguard the Elderly). She will speak about fraud and scam awareness. Learn how to protect your financial assets and become more confident in identifying fraud. On Dec.…

Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Men’s Club

Jeff Spear The Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Men’s Club held their 23rd Annual Bagel Breakfast kick-off event on Sept. 12 at Chompie’s restaurant. The group has rescheduled the picnic for Tuesday, Nov. 12, at Veterans Oasis Park in Chandler at noon. Bring your own sandwich, and the club will supply water bottles and dessert. To…

Fine Art Reception and Show

Vicki McKenna Please join us for the Second Annual Artistic Creations Fine Art Reception and Sale on Friday, Nov. 15, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be a variety of original art for sale, including jewelry, gourd art, mixed media pieces, and Christmas ornaments. Award-winning artists participating in the high-end sale are Pattie…