Kinetic Karate Classes Now in Sun Lakes Country Club

Charmaine Roberts What Is Kinetic Karate? The kinetic chain is the interrelation of the nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems. Our nerves, muscles, and joints work together to create human movement. Karate training teaches movements that require an increased awareness of one’s body and improvement in balance, reflexes, focus, and strength. Kinetic Karate generates movement that…

Desert Valley Veterans

Commander Rich Volpe Getting back to business after a busy, warm summer and the initial meeting of the Desert Valley Veterans organization, we normally try to participate in a few fundraising activities to help maintain the inventory we always have on hand to help those in need. Our only income comes from membership dues, and…

Chordaires Prepare to Perform for Veterans

Linda Ryan A highlight of November is Veterans Day. The Chordaires will entertain the veterans of Sun Lakes at two celebrations in their honor: Monday, Nov. 11, at the Sun Lakes Country Club Veterans Luncheon and Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the Oakwood Veterans Day Breakfast in the ballroom. Chordaires President Janet Lewis says, “We love…