Jim Libby Is Now a Bridge Life Master!

Jim Libby learned bridge from his parents who played in a non-sanctioned duplicate bridge game for over 30 years. At home, Jim and his family played lots of cards. Jim asks, “Does anyone remember canasta?” After retiring, Jim moved to Sun Lakes and became a member of Sun Lakes Duplicate Bridge Club (SLDBC). He took…

Resident Hikes Grand Canyon

Sun Lakes resident Dena Brinkman, 76, hiked the Grand Canyon rim to rim on Sept. 30. Dena, along with six other family members and friends, hiked the 24-mile North Rim to the South Rim trail in one day. Dena, who is a member of the Sun Lakes Hiking Club, trained for the adventure. She hiked…

Lovely Lavender

Dannette Hunnel Lavender, a perennial semi-shrub, is a well-known, tough, pretty plant. With its unique green-grey leaf and lovely lavender-colored shoots, it’s easily recognized throughout our Valley. A lavender plant will look nice in a large container, along walkways, and mixed in a large flower bed—a welcoming site and aroma near the entrance of any…

Art at the Lakes 2025—Calling All Artists

Diane Hitt The Art at the Lakes 16th Annual Art Show fundraiser will be held on Saturday, March 1, 2025, with a rain date of Saturday, March 8. The show is open from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. The show offers paintings in all mediums, pottery, gourds, jewelry, photography, woodworking, and much, much more. The…

Do You Have Trouble Hearing on Your Cell Phone?

Please join us on Thursday, Nov. 14, from 12:45 to 2:30 p.m. at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 E. Riggs Road. We will welcome Matt Goncalves, marketing director for InnoCaption. InnoCaption is a mobile app providing real-time captioning for phone calls. The InnoCaption app offers either automated speech recognition (ASR) or live stenographers (CART).…