Golden Goalies – hello, sun

Bea Loozer Dana recently shared an article that was full of very helpful health tips. It covered everything from recommended vitamins to the need for sleep. One of the healthful tips surprised me and took me back about 20 years. It was about the health benefits of doing a daily sun salutation. I do yoga…

MAC events for you

M.A.C. events for you: Friday, April 12, 2019, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at SLCC (room TBD): Sheryl Keeme of Keystone Law Firm will inform you about Living Trusts and demystify Elder Law. This is an expanded regular meeting for the first 50 to register via the Administrative Services desk. Flyers and e-blasts will be…

Michigan party recap

The Michigan party was held Friday, March 1, 2019, and was a great time for the 111 people who came to the event at the San Tan Ballroom in Cottonwood. All enjoyed meeting others from Michigan, feasting on good food and playing Michigan-themed games. The sit-down dinner was wonderful; the Sun Lakes Cottonwood chef served…