AAUW holds annual fundraising holiday luncheon

Barbara Stewart The Southeast Branch chapter of The American Association of University Women (AAUW) held its annual Fund Raising Holiday Luncheon on Saturday, December 8, 2018, at Cottonwood Country Club in the Saguaro Room. This “Red Envelope” event is held every year to collect funds to present grants to women in graduate and post graduate…

Challenging hearing solutions presentation

  Michele Michaels, the Hard of Hearing Program Manager at the AZ Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, will lead us through some scenarios where hearing is challenging. We will leave the meeting feeling empowered and more in control of our ability to hear, listen, comprehend and communicate with others. Please join us…

Chi Dance with Kim

Tai Chi-Qigong is a practice for senior health and longevity to improve balance, plus coordination and agility of the mind and body. With slow, continually flowing movements, my fusion of these practices feels like a slow dance by yourself! In my newly released DVD titled, Chi Dance with Kim Kubsch, I am joined by 18…

Bridge classes for everyone

  FUNdaMENTAL Bridge is offering Beginning lessons for those who wish to learn bridge, Boot Camp Bridge lessons for those who play bridge but want to learn contemporary bidding, 2 Over 1 lessons for those who want to incorporate the latest important modification to Standard American bidding and End Play and Simple Squeeze lessons for…