From Phoenix to Africa – water is needed

Pastor Jerry McGhee The Church (by Biblical definition, the Body of Christ) is in the business of dispensing water. Jesus said, “…whoever drinks the water I give will never thirst…” – that “living water” is the most important of all. Jesus fills the thirst in our soul. There is also the need for “physical water.”…

3rd hole in one for Laura

Sun Lakes resident Laura Sawyer got her third hole-in-one on Saturday at Sun Lakes Country Club. Her first one came August 20, 2016, on hole 8 at SLCC; second one was on hole 17 at Palo Verde Country Club on January 27, 2018. This past Saturday’s came hole 2 at SLCC. Each time, she was…

Home sellers beware!

Cathi Pospisil Being a 30-Year Residential Real Estate Broker… I want to personally caution you to the latest trend, Instant Offer Companies: OfferPad, Opendoor, Zillow Instant Offer, Amazon and many more. Organized home flippers have been around a long time, but now the tech giants are in the game. This trend is being sold as,…

SLLC president presents Melvin Jones Fellow Awards

SLLC President Larry Palmer is shown presenting a Melvin Jones Fellow to Lion Ray Born. The Melvin Jones Fellow is one of the highest awards bestowed to a Lion. The plaque states, “Melvin Jones Fellow presented to Ray Born for Dedicated Humanitarian Services and signed by the current Lions Clubs International Foundation Chairperson.” Lion Ray…

Summer is here for PVLGA golf

Liz DeMichael, Publicity The Palo Verde Ladies Golf Association (PVLGA) played a variety of fun games in June and posted some great scores. Read on… 6/05. O-N-E-S. The ladies used their results on only the holes starting with O-N-E-S toward their final scores, even though they play a full round. Someone could have a great…