Pastor Jean Newell, Associate Pastor at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church It�s that time of year again, isn�t it? Time for spring housecleaning! Now, a lot of people think that spring cleaning means just cleaning your home thoroughly, and while this is the case, it is also the case that you take the time to…
May 2018
Spring cleaning?
May 2018
Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation news
Doris Codkind, Publicity The past few months have been filled with celebrations and commemorations. Services honoring our celebrated choir, Purim, Passover and Earth Day were joyous occasions. A somber service, with participating clergy from five Sun Lakes churches, commemorated Holocaust Remembrance Day. The speakers were truly inspiring and the message very applicable to our current…
May 2018
A Mother’s Love
Rabbi Irwin Wiener, D.D. There is nothing sweeter than a mother’s love. In fact, there is nothing more precious than the attachment that began in the womb and was then drawn into the light, still attached. And when the cord is severed, different connections materialize: Loyalty, devotion and affection, all resulting in what is known…
May 2018
When fear comes calling
Dr. Marc Drake, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church Sun Lakes The National Institute of Mental Health has indicated that anxiety disorders are reaching epidemic proportions. Research indicates that in a given year, nearly 50 million Americans will experience a panic attack, phobias or other anxiety disorders. As a result, the United States has become the…
May 2018
Summer contemplating on the Celestine Insights
Rina Cupples Several days ago, I saw a documentary on The Celestine Prophecy: The Celestine Insights. I had previously read James Redfield’s book, The Celestine Prophecy, and this film attempted to portray the nine insights revealed in it. Once again, the insights gave me lots of food for thought, as they had when I originally…
May 2018
From the Pastor at Sun Lakes Community Church
Jerry McGhee, Pastor Joshua 13:1 says, “Now Joshua was old and stricken in years, and the Lord said unto him, thou art old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed.” I have been told that for the Christian, there is no set “retirement age,” because there is always…