Clubs & Classes, July 2018
Award Recipients
Religion, July 2018
SLUMC Tuesday Nights Together for July
Bev Tarpley July 10 – Welcome to the World of Fine Tea: Diane Eddy Shrouded in the mist before recorded history began, humans discovered tea leaves growing in the rugged mountain jungles of the southern edge of China’s Yunnan Province… thus begins the story of tea. Come along with Diane Eddy, a Master Tea…
Clubs & Classes, July 2018
Sun Lakes Sunday Dance Club – Forever Young
Denise Green It’s easy to recognize members of the Sun Lakes Sunday Dance Club. They’re the folks with a twinkle in their eye, an infectious laugh and a spring in their step… well, at least we like to think that! Dancing is like finding the Fountain of Youth for many. Ask 20 different members…
Clubs & Classes, July 2018
Golden Goalies therapy

Bea Loozer Each Saturday, Golden Goalies have a therapy session, and we all appreciate members who step forward to offer one. “Therapy” is our word for a short session on a topic we’re interested in. Often these sessions relate to healthy eating. But “health” is a broad topic, so it’s not unusual to hear a…
Sports, July 2018
PV Ladies May finish line
Liz DeMichael, Publicity There were cars, horses and other sports racing to the finish line in May. The Palo Verde Ladies Golf Association (PVLGA) concentrated on racing to post some great scores in May. 5/1 and 5/8. Match Play. Through the early history of golf, most tournaments were played as “match” play as opposed…
Clubs & Classes, July 2018
IronOaks Breakers Pool League

Larry Stadler As you remember from the article in the June Splash, Tournament Director Ed Allen came up with an idea to have a “Scotch Doubles” 8-Ball Tournament. The Breakers Board and league members thought this was a good idea, so the tournament was scheduled. Here is a quick refresher of the play: “Scotch Doubles”…