CLGA playday results

Mary Nelson Results of the CLGA 2018 Club Championship held February 8 and 15: Our 2018 Club Champion is Cathy Bass. Flight winners are Flight 1: 1st (tie) Paddy Newton and Nadine Sanders, 3rd (tie) Mikki Rydell, Billie Seiberling and Kathryn Campbell; Flight 2: 1st Patti Hegenbarth, 2nd Nancy Howell, 3rd Julie Curran; Flight 3:…

IronOaks Breakers Billiard League post tournament results

Larry Stadler On February 23, the IronOaks Breakers billiard team played the “Inaugural” Home and Home match against our sister community, Cottonwood’s Lucky Shot Pool Club. The purpose of the Home and Home matches are to develop good fun, yet competitive relationships with fellow pool players and particularly by developing camaraderie with our sister communities.…

Softball Player profile: Rick Oien

Larry Wolfe Rick Oien grew up in the small town of Grenora in northwest North Dakota, just 30 miles from the Canadian border. Grenora was named after the GReat NOrthern RAilway due to its position at the end of a branch line of that railway. Rick’s last name is pronounced Oy-en and is of Norwegian…

Sun Lakes Lady Putters results

Susan Gottschalk Mark your calendars – the spring luncheon is Friday, April 6, in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood. Monday Flight 2/12. Mary Armour, Phyllis Nielsen, Vickie Smith, June Wagner 2/19. (4-way tie) Norine Bassett, Sharon Gouthro, MaryLou Murdock and Jean Cohen, Susan Gottschalk, Camille Jasien and Kathi Bobek, Pat Martin, Phyllis Nielsen and…

IMGA news and events

Bruce McCorkle Ironwood Club Champion and Super Senior Champion At the time of this writing, two rounds have been played in the Club Championship, and there is a heated contest for first place in both Championships. Larry Horner is vying for his second win as Club Champion but is only one stroke ahead of John…