Niners February golf results

Jim Wegman, Niners Publicity The results of the 2018 Niners Club Championship are in, and the first-place winners are the following A Flight Jim LaBarge, B Flight Larry Burke and C Flight Renny Vowell. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the participants. Additional results are posted on the league website and on our…

Hot Dog Tournament

Jerry Vance The Sun Lakes Tennis Club got together on March 3 at 9:00 a.m. to play the annual Hot Dog Tournament. Members engaged in heated competition while Club President Ed Campion and Peter Hall cooked the hot dogs. Afterwards, lots of good food was enjoyed. The winners will be presented their prizes at the…

SLLGA 18 Holers results

Nancy Field Whose Hole Is It? 1st Place Team – Lynda Smith, Shirley Brenner, Margot Mask, Jo Solie 2nd Place Team – Kim Dunn, Terrie Schramm, Jeanie Fehringer 3rd Place Team (tie) – Karen Smith, Sandi Frantzen, Judi Kilgus, Janet Jackson and Marci Koppelmaa, Carolyn Luna, Cheryl Bunch, Sarah Green 1 Net and 1 Gross…

Time, patience, sense of humor required of Tournament Director

Penny Petersen Ever wonder what it takes to be a tournament director for a tennis club of 264 members? Time… lots of time, organizational skills, the ability to recruit helpers, patience and the ability to scramble at the last minute. For the past three years, Ernie Soczka has been TD for Cottonwood Tennis Club. Every…

Sun Lakes Lady Niners news

Verla Matuschka Golfers! Lady Niners need you! We are a league with a group of friendly ladies who golf on Tuesday mornings. Please join us. For information, contact President Celeste Dorsey at 707-242-7890. Recent winning net scores are as follows: 1/09. Rosie Raisanen 28, Faye Belt 30, Donna Sullivan 31, Liz Tollefsen 31, Susan Geis…