Oakwood Artists’ League holds annual Holiday Luncheon

Joyce Weary Members of the Oakwood Artists’ League (OAL) met in early December for their annual December meeting and Holiday Luncheon. The election of officers for 2018 took place. Returning officers are Joyce Weary, president; Kay Blas, vice president; Diane Hitt, treasurer; while Kathie Neffenger was newly elected as secretary. OAL members meet all day…

Ring in the New Year with Zumba

Mary Tyree I hope you all had a fantastic holiday. Unfortunately, there is always a price to pay for all the parties and great food. Now it’s time for a reality check. It’s called getting back to normal again. Let me help you make that task as painless as possible. Join me at one of…

Hiking opportunities abound with Hiking Club

Judith Kuse The Sun Lakes Hiking Club requires that those interested in becoming members participate in two hikes and obtain the hike leaders’ signatures for verification prior to application for membership. One way to satisfy part of that requirement is to participate in the Orientation Hike scheduled for January 11. This is a Mellow hike,…

Fun Lakers Club news

Carole Sinicki Welcome to 2018. The Fun Lakers Club hopes that everyone had a wonderful holiday season, and we are looking forward to a great year in Sun Lakes. Our first event for 2018 is the annual members-only meeting, which will be held on January 6 at the Ironwood Clubhouse. This is a meet-and-greet evening,…

Dr. Geri Hall to speak at annual P.E.O. Coffee – February 14

Linda Reber “Q & A: Seeking Help for Intellectual and/or Behavioral Changes” is the title of Dr. Hall’s address. Dr. Hall, PhD, ARNP, GCNS, FAAN and Clinical Nurse Specialist, is an internationally-recognized expert in the recognition and care of people with dementing illnesses. Retired from the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, Geri developed, published and researched the…