Restless Minds topic: “Fake News”

  From Russian bots to presidential comments to conspiracy theories involving a pizza shop, child porn, the popularity of online porn sites like and a presidential candidate, so-called “fake news” has been a recurring theme for more than a year. At the next Restless Minds meeting, the discussion group will explore what fake news…

Cottonwood Tennis Club holds 1st big tournament of the year

  Penny Petersen After what seemed like a long holiday break, the Cottonwood Tennis Club held its first tournament of the year with Men’s Doubles and Women’s Doubles in four different ability levels. Cottonwood rates players according to skill level with Red being highest, then green, blue and black. A beginning level is orange, but…

Sun Lakes Chorale offers dynamic season closer

Jan Ott It’s Spring Concert time again, so save Thursday evening, March 15, for an evening of memorable music and performances. The concert will be held at the Sun Lakes United Methodist Church located at 9248 E. Riggs Road in Sun Lakes (next to the library). Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; the concert begins at…

Crackerjack Jazz Band

  Helen Daley “Take me out to the ball game, Take me out with the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack,” (Jack Norworth) or better yet, come and listen to the performance by the Crackerjack Jazz Band on March 18, 2018, at the Crowne Plaza San Marcos Golf Resort in beautiful Downtown Chandler.…