Republican Club meeting notice

  Carolyn McCorkle, First Vice Chair, SLRC The Sun Lakes Republican Club will feature special guest speaker Arizona Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick presenting “Our Constitutions and the Courts,” at its regular meeting Tuesday, January 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the Arizona Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 S. Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun…

Games, gift baskets and more at SLJC Card Party

  Esther Spear Calling all players of Mah Jongg, Bridge, Canasta, Scrabble and lots more! The annual Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation Sisterhood Card Party will take place on Monday, February 12, at 10:00 a.m. in the Oakwood Ballroom. Doors open at 9:00 a.m. The $30 entry fee includes a delicious new and improved buffet lunch.…

State Parties

 Michigan – January 13 Pearl Ryan Calling all Michiganders! Mark your calendars for a January 13 gathering at Cottonwood Clubhouse to enjoy the U of M and MSU basketball game with others from Michigan. This is a social gathering, and you are on your own for refreshments. The game will start at 10:00 a.m. Arizona…

New Horizons Writers’ Group

  Santa Claus’ Failure Bob Hirt We had a neighbor back east who bordered on what might commonly be called “a weirdo” or maybe more succinctly, “a crackpot.” He was a nice enough fellow when he stopped by to chat, always coming with a joke that was either corny or didn’t have a “punch line.”…