Unity: Christmas greetings

Kay Davis Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a positive, uplifting, supportive and loving spiritual community. We follow the teachings of Jesus as well as other spiritual masters. We choose to live a healthy lifestyle, our prayers are affirmative and we have a deeply-inspired spiritual teacher who inspires us in Rev. Debbi Brown Adams. Our…

Cottonwood Tennis Club Wednesday Women’s League underway

Mary Ann Rice The Cottonwood Tennis Club Wednesday Women’s League served up their fall season on October 25. This year, all of the ladies wore pink instead of their individual team colors as a way of honoring Terrie Heichelbech, a long-time league member who passed away early this summer. She is greatly missed. The Wednesday…

Tuesday Mah Jongg

If you are interested in playing Mah Jongg (lessons are available) on Tuesdays, October through May, please email me at [email protected] and leave a phone number, so I am able to call and talk with you. We play from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Please, non-smokers only! v

The Music of Christmas

Doug Ross, Director of Promotion, Sun Lakes Community Church Linda Yarbrough, Director of Music Ministries at Sun Lakes Community Church, will lead the Sanctuary Choir in a special musical, “Light and Life,” on Sunday, December 17, 2017, at 9:30 a.m. The Sanctuary will be decorated with Christmas banners that help tell the Christmas story –…

2017 IWLN summer hottie

Publicity, Nancy Davis 2017 IWLN Summer Hottie! During our summer play from mid-May through September, the Ironwood Lady Niners take a break from more serious golf and prizes. We kick back and enjoy casual play where you can sign up your own pairings and choose your own game or play to develop your game. Of…

SLLGA 18 Holers scores

Nancy Field Low Putts: Flight 1 – 1st Marci Koppelmaa, 2nd Joyce Switzky, 3rd (tie) Kelly Dennis, Pinky Kubiak; Flight 2 – 1st Shirley Brenner, 2nd Jan Fletcher, 3rd (tie) Betty Peer, Donna Jones, Judi Kilgus Blind Partner: 1st Dang Parker and Donna Smid, 2nd Marci Koppelmaa and Kelly Dennis, 3rd Debbie Martin and Debra…