Dr. Marc Drake, Sr. Pastor, First Baptist Church of Sun Lakes There was once a boy whose father was an astronomer. One day, the boy came home from school and asked his mom to help him write a report on the moon. Understandably, she said, “Ask your father. He’s the astronomer.” The boy replied, “But…
December 2017
What the heavens declare!
December 2017
Cottonwood Lady Niners
Lorri Morgan, Publicity The Cottonwood Lady Niners are back, better than ever. Big news is the new pricing structure – just $275 for the entire season of Thursday Niners play ($295 for Phase 1 and 3), plus $55 to join the league. You can’t get more fun golf anywhere for that price! The Niners play…
December 2017
Table Tennis Club
June Wagner On Thursday, November 9, Sun Lakes Table Tennis members gathered for the yearly meeting held in the Oakwood Country Club Dance Studio, the setting for weekly ping pong play. President Richard Nadler called the meeting to order and reviewed items on his agenda. The principal topic was electing officers for the coming year.…
December 2017
PVMGA October results
Bob Armstrong, Publicity October play was shortened because of the reseeding process. Once again, we have lush green fairways which many of us protect by playing our second (and often third) shots from the sidelines. The 2017-2018 season is now well underway as we work off the extra pounds garnered from the amazing foods presented…
December 2017
CLGA winners
December 2017
Niners October golf results
Jim Wegman, Publicity Let’s welcome our newest members Mel Moore, Jim Lamparski and Wally Linder. I did not have to recruit Mel; he found me. Jim stopped by the Niners table at the open house event, met Joe Sigillo and Lloyd Schaeffer and decided to join us. Wally was recruited by Bob Pender. Welcome to…