Low Vision meeting notice

The Sun Lakes Low Vision Support Group regular April meeting will take place at 9:00 a.m. on April 8 at the Card Room of the Renaissance Bulding on Riggs Rd. All persons with vision problems and members of their family are invited to attend at no cost. We attempt to offer the latest information available…

Weeders Garden Club

Cheryl Bunch “So serene and peaceful” were the words used to describe the Weeders’ field trip in February to the Greek Orthodox Monastery in Florence. There are several chapels to admire while meandering along the flagstone paths through a variety of gardens, gift store and property. Respect for the monks and their lifestyle are key…

Sun Lakes Hiking season comes to an end

Members of the Sun Lakes Hiking Club strike a pose!

Roberta Arpan While the Sun Lakes Hiking Club is winding down the 2014-2015 season, four of its adventurous members are gearing up for a grand adventure in the Grand Canyon. Mei-Mei Ahlskog, Brian Hill, Cheryl Verlander and Doug Chirhart have been training under the auspices of Certified Personal Trainer Mei-Mei in preparation for the April…

Shalom Hadassah news

Doris Codkind Our chapter certainly has had a busy month. With no regular meeting scheduled in March we planned two exceptional events. What a wonderful day was had at the Phoenix Art Museum viewing the display “Fashioned in America.” An added treat was the Leonardo da Vinci exhibit, a must see. The next event was…

CMGA news

Mark Higgs

Results of recent events: 2/07. Morning Ace of Aces Qualifier – Flight 1: Gross 1st Fred Smith, 2nd Ed Frees and Barry Adams; Net 1st Bill Moore, 2nd Terry Denefe and James Werlinger; Flight 2: Gross 1st Rick Smith, 2nd Dan Paxton, 3rd Larry Mullins; Net 1st Ken Pearson, 2nd Gene Kivi, 3rd Larry Nelson;…

Sun Lakes Lifestyle Survey results

Dear Sun Lakes residents, Thank you very much to all the residents who participated in our recent online Sun Lakes Lifestyle Survey. The resident profile that emerges from the Lifestyle Survey indicates that a typical resident: 1. Lives year-round in the community 2. Is retired 3. Eats out at a local restaurant at least two…