Sun Lakes resident publishes “I Flew with Heroes”

Thomas R. Waldron, author of I Flew with Heroes – a True Story of Rescue and Recovery during the Vietnam War Including the Raid on Son Tay resides with his wife in Sun Lakes. The book is available on and on Kindle; it is also in the Sun Lakes Library.

During the war in Southeast Asia, the author flew combat missions in the CK-135 Tanker, H-3 and H-53 Helicopter. This book recounts rescue missions flown by H-3 and H-53 “Jolly Green” crews in 1969 and 1970 in Laos and Vietnam while he was assigned to the 40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery (ARR) Squadron. In a…

Oakwood Lady Niners’ awards and plans for March

Julie Schneider, Bonnie Tasch, Fran Neumayr, Betty Perry, Susie Cook and Cora Lathom-Levensky receiving birdie pins.

Ann Rounthwaite The New Year brought surprises. On January 13 a low putts game on the Lakes course was actually rained out! Because it’s Arizona even those of us accustomed to wet weather elsewhere weren’t equipped with raingear. To most Niners’ astonishment, Kathy Chebuhar and Nancy Heberling played through the deluge and were awarded Pro…

Sun Lakes Lutheran Church

Pat Ovrebo Sun Lakes Lutheran Church had several events in February. The annual congregational meeting honored leaders who have helped guide the four year old church to a viable church. Former Leadership committee members Wally Amundson, Dawn Coryea, Tia Meyers and Ramon Rubio were recognized. The meeting reviewed events and activities for 2014 and set…

SLUCC becomes an open and affirming congregation

On Sunday, January 25 Sun Lakes United Church of Christ voted to become an Open and Affirming Congregation. It began the process in January 2014 by forming a committee that involved learning about the ways they could become more inclusive and welcoming of LGBT people. Within the United Church of Christ denomination there has been…