Art at the Lakes March 7

Artist Susan Plouzek painted the banner and additional signs to advertise the show. Pictured with Susan are the firemen from Sun Lakes Station No. 231.

Jill Curcio Bring the family and come have lunch with your local Sun Lakes firemen and support the Firemen’s Relief Fund. Enjoy beautiful works of art! No admission fee! Art at the Lakes Show and Sale will be held on Saturday, March 7 from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. The art show is a community outreach sponsored…

Back by popular demand

Sun Lakes United Methodist Church will again present “Understanding the Journey of Dementia” by Dr. Maribeth Gallagher, DNP, Psych NP, FAAN. Dr Gallagher is a board-certified psychiatric nurse practitioner with a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. She serves as the Director of the Dementia Program at Hospice of the Valley and has been featured as…

Cottonwood Tennis Club report

Vice President of CTC, Hal Davis, signs up for the week-long Mixed Doubles Tournament

Susie Dunn As mentioned in last month’s issue our popular Men’s and Women’s Doubles Tournament was scheduled to play on January 11th-16th. Weather became a big factor causing delays and rescheduling of matches. The results were as follows: Red Division Women: 1st M.J. Robinson and Kay Wengert, 2nd Lynn Cox and Bonnie Livingston, 3rd Kaipo…

Unit Happenings – March 2015

Unit 19 Phyllis Stephens Unit 19’s next monthly meeting will be held on March 9 at 6:00 p.m. in the Phoenix Room. All homeowners are encouraged to attend. Be sure to review the meeting’s material prior to the meeting on Unit 19’s website at If you have any questions about this meeting or Unit…

Pinwheels raise funds for childhood lung disease

Colorful pinwheel pins are appearing in the community. They symbolize air circulation and will be used to aid in a fundraising campaign for CHILD, a research foundation for rare childhood lung diseases. The last week in February is CHILD week and the campaign will run until the second week in March. Sun Lakes residents Penny…

Hate Speech

Rabbi Irwin Wiener, D.D. A funny thing happened to me on the way to nowhere. I was confronted with the prospect of listening to a diatribe from a so-called Baptist preacher. I say so-called because I find it hard to understand how such venomous pronouncements could be delivered from the mouth of someone supposedly dedicated…