I love the Reiki Circle

Lois Valleau It’s February, and it is love month. Let me tell you about all the love that abounds at the Reiki Circle. As you enter, someone will invite you to hug. We try to be high on the hug-meter. The scale is four hugs a day to survive, eight hugs for maintenance and 12…

The passing of a great man Dwight Grotewold

Dwight Grotewold

Norm Noble Back in the old days, gathering around the kitchen table had a meaning different than today. In the tiny town of Larchwood, Iowa, population 382, it meant that there was no hospital and no resident doctor and when a baby was due you made do. That’s where Dwight Grotewold of Sun Lakes entered…

2 Your Health – February 2015

The discovery of penicillin was an early example of ground breaking medical advancements, changing the course of modern medicine.

Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the Sun Lakes Splash dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering…

Pathways to peace

Join Lois Valleau, Sarah Kelzenberg and Catharina Cupples for the Equinox weekend!

Lois Valleau Ask anyone and they will tell you they’d like to see more peace in the world. Usually that means they ought to change and then I will be more peaceful. What if I was to suggest that peace in the world really is an inner journey? The more peace you and I can…